Samer Hassan and Rada Mihalcea and Carmen Banea Department of Computer Science University of North Texas,,
This paper describes a new approach for estimating term weights in a document, and shows how the new weighting scheme can be used to improve the accuracy of a text classifier. The method uses term co-occurrence as a measure of dependency between word features. A random-walk model is applied on a graph encoding words and co-occurrence dependencies, resulting in scores that represent a quantification of how a particular word feature contributes to a given context. Experiments performed on three standard classification datasets show that the new random-walk based approach outperforms the traditional term frequency approach of feature weighting.
Term frequency has long been used as a major factor for estimating the probabilistic distribution of features in a document, and it has been employed in a broad spectrum of tasks including language modeling [18], feature selection [29, 24], and term weighting [13, 20]. The main drawback associated with the term frequency method is the fact that it relies on a bag-of-words approach. It implies feature independence, and disregards any dependencies that may exist between words in the text. In other words, it defines a ”random choice,” where the weight of the term is proportional to the probability of choosing the term randomly from the set of terms that constitute the text. Such an approach might be effective for capturing the relevance of a term in a local context, but it fails to account for the global effect that the term’s existence exerts on the entire text segment. We argue that the bag-of-words model may not be the best technique to capture term importance. Instead, given that relations in the text could be preserved by maintaining the structural representation of the text, a method
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