Ms. McMahan
March 19, 2013 No More Rap Music Funny story actually, “I was gonna clean my room, but then I got high, I was gonna find the broom, but then I got high, my room is still messed up and I know why, ‘cause I got high, ‘cause I got high, ‘cause I got high” (Afroman). This popular hit called “Because I got high” by a guy named Afroman is what kids are listening to these days. I agree with grandparents when they say, “That’s music?!” Rap music needs to be banned due to its foul language, its bad influences, and its shady message. First of all, rap music has very foul language. Think about it, if you got the clean version of a song …show more content…
According to New York Times, on average, American teens listen to music for two and half hours in a day and sixty percent listen to rap music. Seven out of nine rap songs have a reference to drugs and/or alcohol. In fact, a teen that listens to pop music is exposed to only five references a day, while a teen that listens to rap music is exposed to 251 references a day (Parker-Pope). Here is an excerpt from a song called “Gansta Luv”, which already teaches bad grammar because ‘love’ is spelled L-U-V: “She make you do what I do when we doin’ what we doin’ in the back of the ‘Lac” (Snoop Dogg). What do you think Snoop Dogg is doing in the back of the Cadillac, playing cards? No. I’ll tell you exactly what they’re doing, I’ll even spell it out for you: S-I-N. Sin, as in an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law, as in sex outside of marriage, underage drinking, and drug abuse. Those 251 or so references don’t even include the social media. Take, for example, a rapper named Wiz Khalifa. Go on his Instagram or Twitter. Literally one out of four of his posts are about him getting high. Unless he lives in Colorado or Washington, that is illegal! For example, on February 15, 2013, he tweeted, “Nice day to get stoned on the balcony” (Khalifa). Also, on February 18, 2013, he tweeted, “I juss smoked a bong for breakfast” (Khalifa). What a great role model, right? Do you want …show more content…
What do you think of when a driver rolls by, windows down, with blaring rap music? Personally, I think, “Man! I wish I was as cool as that kid!” I mean really, it looks very unprofessional and it automatically sends a negative connotation towards said driver. Just a couple of weeks ago, I was walking down to the track for practice and I saw a kid with his hand out the window, with a cigarette in it, music screaming out of his car. I thought, “He’s going nowhere in life. Have fun working at McDonald’s for the rest of your life!” Now, I’m not judging people that smoke and saying that none of them are successful in life, I’m just saying that because he is starting out at such a young age, then he will probably get addicted and never stop and smoking will take over his life. Rap music doesn’t just send a bad message to me, but it also sends a bad message to people looking at America from other countries. People look at us from other countries and when they look on us Americans, they only look at celebrities. Celebrities portray the image of America, and they’re not doing such a great job. Foreigners look upon us and listen to our music and are utterly