Many people, even today feel as though morals should be included in everything that people do. Rap music has always had explicit language but 2 Live Crew was never vague and never felt that they had to cover anything up or make it sound more clean than it really was. They felt that the First Amendment backed them up and made it okay for them to say whatever it is they wanted to say. This text focuses on how people interpret the music rather than what it says. Many people interpret things different ways. People make assumptions of what words mean instead of studying these words.…
Rap music has always been under microscope for its brand of misogyny.(Hip-Hop Objectifies Women But So Does Society) While the blame for violent teens has shifted towards rap music, it still has a small bit of positive supporters. When you listen to rap music your first thought is "God No turns this mess off." Yet us, as in society lacks to see the positive in the lyrics. Rap music was one of the beginning ways that people sought to speak out against the government. In the usual case nobody would say anything, but in 1980s that all would change.…
Though many have protested that “gangsta rap” is to blame for its influence in the violence, female discrimination and violent behavior that take place throughout America, others argue that it is simply the other way around, implying that the artist is influenced by his own personal experience of being a part of and/or bearing witness to violence, drugs and crime that have taken place around him thus influencing him to express himself through lyric and rhyme becoming “gangsta rap”. This leaves us to question does gangsta rap music encourage violence or does violence influence what the artist raps about?…
i think what Rose was trying to emphasize is that music cannot directly be linked to the actions of listeners. though she does not agree with the message that these lyrics portray, to say that they are solely responsible for the actions of youths or weak minded individual is premature and very unlikely. Crack, war against police, drug trade a automatic weapons are major themes in a lot of big named artist in the industry today. rap has reached the point that its poetic roots has become so obsolete that mediocre lyrics can be a main stream heavy rotated song. what she is trying to stress however is that this is not hip-hop. people generalize and cannot comprehend that there are different genres inside its own genre. there is more unique music behind the glamour but the attention is only toward the most thuggish, richest, arrogant rappers instead of the smart, lyrical, socially conscious…
man in front of a moving bus with the intent of killing him is judged…
In the 1980s, we saw many different genres of music emerge, genres such as Pop, Rock, and R&B. But a new genre emerged that sparked a lot of controversy: “Gangsta Rap” otherwise known as Hip Hop. Rappers/Rap groups such as NWA, Run DMC, Big Daddy Kane, and more changed the industry with catchy tunes and lyrics that talked about hard topics like slavery, violence, and police brutality. These lyrics sometimes caused major conflict, whether between races or with civilians and police. Hip Hop was very controversial in the 80s. “Gangsta rap” has caused a lot of controversy, many people protested this music in the late 80s and 90s due to the message within its lyrics and what those lyrics conveyed. Many accused “Gangsta Rap” for promoting things such as crime, killings, profanity, drugs, sex, racism, and more. But Gangsta rap doesn’t influence this type of lifestyle; it’s telling a story/conveying a message of the individuals who wrote the lyrics.…
Herd, D. (2009, Spring). Changing images of Violence in Rap music. Journal of Public Health, 30(4), 395-406 12p. EBSCOhost.…
Everyone has an opinion about the influence of hip--hop music on our nations youth. Many people, such as politicians and the ultra conservative, feel the influence is destructive and incites violent behavior. Some people, for instance the media, believe hip- hop glamorizes inappropriate behaviors and actions while promoting the demoralization of women in general, but more specifically black women. Few people are willing to speak out and defend hip-hop music as communicative form of art. In the article “In Defense of Hip Hop” Cathleen Rountree argues people, young and old alike, are hasty to blame hip-hop in justification of their atrocious tirades, actions, and behaviors without fully understanding what hip-hop is, and what it represents.…
The moral focus on music should be about respect. Even tough some individuals doesn't have a problem with not respecting themselves by exploiting their personal lives but, exploiting the individuals that lives in the similar situations is completely wrong. This writer had experienced many biases and ideas from white people that were totally wrong. They believed since the writer is black, he has experiences violence which is depicted in highly publicizes hip hop music. People from other culture listen to hip hop music and has formulated thoughts from the language and actions of the music. At times, many individuals who are black understands that people from other cultures believes that they all from broken homes and know somebody that sells narcotics. Now the black culture is misrepresented and has trouble erasing that…
Hip-Hop lyrics describe extremely violent acts that include guns, beatings, and murder. The songs seem to be condoning this behavior and are mostly performed by African American males. By seeing a black man singing lyrics such as, “I’m just waiting for a fool/ so I can use his blood for my backyard pool” (The Terrorists f/ Point Blank, “Dead Bodies” 1991) or “Crack that jaw, what’s more bring it/ Ill rip your fuckin’ arm out the socket if you swing it” (Apache “A Fight” 1992), endorses the idea that African Americans are prone to violence and killing.…
Do you believe that one's words can reflect on a certain person's action? Today, Rap has become the most popular type of music in the US. The Rap industry is dominated by artists' who mostly dedicate their lyrics to either violence, drugs, or sex. Through 1998 and 1999 the survey taken by the National Music Bureau, stated that 46% of the listeners of Rap are under the age of 19. While 65% of the listeners, live in run-down homes, or impoverished areas, usually being inner cities. The National Music Bureau also reported that in the 66% of the listeners of Rap who are under the age of 19, 86% of those teen-agers are black. Along with that fact, many of the artists sing about their ghettos, and their past ways of life, which included, drugs, sex, murder, and alcohol. The listeners of rap living in run down areas in the inner cities see themselves in the same situation as many of the rap artists', and duplicate what they hear. So although a person may be responsible for his or her action, rap music dramatically affects the lives of America's inner cities and slums.…
In recent years, controversy in Hip-hop culture has been in the mix of America media. From the hype of the lyrics and the impact that Hip-hop music has on the youth. It seems that political and media groups have been quick to place all of the blame on rap music for the trend in youth violence from the murders and the gang related problems. However, forms of music cannot be understood unless you study the fame of its historical and social context. Hip-hop culture reflects the young, urban, working-class African Americans and uses the voice to express the views of the everyday life and the struggle. Now in the pop culture Hip Hop music popularity has grown, and now commercialization has took place and the culture and the origin is controlled by the music industry.…
Misogyny is vigorously common in the realm of Hip-Hop and the Black community is observed as one of its most noteworthy disciples. The physical, mental, and rhetorical brutality against women that is portrayed through the music has materialized onto the treatment of Black women among men in our society and is especially prevalent within Black men. Despite the fact that the illustrations and issues with misogyny are clear, equivocalness still dwells in the explanations for rap artists' utilization of this forceful type of vocal expression. By conveying regard for the purposes for the underline use of misogyny in rap music, I anticipate this research paper will help its observers comprehend how Hip-Hop…
Pardon the pun, but when it comes to degrading and sexist representations of women in music, does hip hop deserve its bad rap? Almost exclusively blamed for the negative images of women in music videos, hip hop is often perceived as unforgivingly misogynistic.…
Music Lyrics being NON-VIOLENT Rap music can be considered a style of art, and a way for the artists to express feelings through their words on paper. However, there are quite a few rap artists that get criticized for their lyrics. In my essay, I want to discuss why rappers use certain lyrics in their music and why people shouldn’t believe that it causes violence among the younger generations. People shouldn’t censor the music just because of violent, vulgar and abusive messages it promotes to the world. I believe in my own mind, that there is a reason for these types of lyrics that rap artists use and I will simply explain those reasons in this essay. Rap has been called one of the most important music forces to emerge in two decades. It’s pounding beats and staccato rhymes exploded on the streets of the urban America in the early 1980s and since have become the theme music and lyrical heart of the vibrant youth culture called hip-hop ( SIRS 1993). There are many different types of rap artist. There are some that talk about money, some talk about righteousness, and the list goes on and on. Every rap artist had their own way of expressing themselves. There are those that talk about sex, drugs, and violence who receive the negative attention( SIRS 1993). People, think this so- called gangster rap is a bad influence on children in the world and that it promotes violence and that it also is abusive to women. Delores Tucker, head of national congress of black women has been among those pressuring different record companies to stop distributing gangster rap music. There were other significant names that participated in this action. Names like Senate Majority leader Bob dole, and former education Secretary William J. Bennett(Surveys, pg. 1). There are some rap artists that have been openly criticized for their lyrics. Rappers like Lil Kim, Too Short, Snoop Doggy Dogg, and a member from “Too Live Crew,” named Luke Skywalker. These rap artists in the past have been…