Rape and sexual assault can be traumatizing, as well as mentally and physically debilitating to those who have been subjected to these horrific crimes. So many victims go unheard or simply unreported due to fear and neglect. Proper justice is often not served because programs provide insufficient services or lack proper knowledge on successfully guiding and counseling victims. The number of victims continues to climb, as statistics claim that every two minutes another person is sexually assaulted in the U.S. In particular, certain demographics are more prone to these sexual attacks. Women are the most vulnerable to these crimes because 1 in every 6 women has been a victim. In 2003, 9 out of 10 victims …show more content…
of attempted or completed rape were females. Only 3% of American males are victims each year. Despite gender and race, those who have been assaulted suffer from many mental and physical consequences from the attack. Victim’s have the following heightened risks: 3 times more likely to suffer from depression; 6 times more likely to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder; 13 times more likely to abuse alcohol; 26 times more likely to abuse drugs; and 4 times more likely to contemplate suicide. The increase in likelihood to suffer from these resulting diseases makes rape and assault victims much more wounded than meets the eye. Victims need extensive counseling to overcome the mental damage sexual assault and rape causes. Consequently, these mental illnesses can incapacitate victims from taking action against their assailants. About 60% of rapes go unreported and the results of previous reports discourage future reports because only around 6% of rapists ever spend a day in jail. The statistics surrounding crimes related to rape are remarkably disappointing and reveal the drastic need for intervention and improvement. Programs need more funding, awareness, and advocacy. Services need to focus more on individualized help that pertains to the rehabilitation of each victim. For instance, The Rape Abuse & Incest National Network, RAINN, has a broad spectrum of services they attempt to cover within their program in aiding victims. Their mission statement is “The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network is the nation's largest anti-sexual assault organization. RAINN operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1.800.656.HOPE and the National Sexual Assault Online Hotline at rainn.org, and publicizes the hotline's free, confidential services; educates the public about sexual assault; and leads national efforts to prevent sexual assault, improve services to victims and ensure that rapists are brought to justice.” Given that, RAINN does a good job mainly on publicizing these crimes and advocating for the rights of victims. RAINN attempts to cover so many bases that besides in national campaign, it makes the actual services for the victim somewhat vague. The website provides many facts, statistics, and education on the subject of these crimes, which can improve the understanding for people who are dealing with these crimes because they were committed to someone they love. This organization is also very accommodating for those who want to volunteer or donate funds to improve services and tools. RAINN really focuses on working with law officials on improving criminal justice system. With thousands of supporters RAINN got the Debbie Smith Act passed by congress, which is supposed to solve thousands of open rape cases and get rapists off the streets. Under those circumstances, social workers would be perfect for this organization. This organization is promoting social justice for these victims, which is the most important aspect of a social workers job. A social worker could work for the hotline to counsel those who need assistance and the social worker can work with the client to figure out what is best for them. A main goal of RAINN is to increase the amount of attacks that are reported and prosecuted. A social worker could advise and counsel the victim into a healthy state that enables them to report the crime. Regarding social work, a common theme with rape victims is shame and the desire to keep their attack confidential. A social worker understands the confidentiality of patient relationships and the primary importance of the individual. RAINN seems to be lacking in their compassion for people’s desire for confidentiality and their want to cope privately. RAINN works to make victims come forward when sometimes it is in the best interest of the patient not to do so. A social worker could be a leader by supporting those who wish to heal privately. This national campaign has guidelines and general techniques to help victims recover, and a social worker could step up as a leader by individualizing the care of each patient relative to their specific situation. In addition to national efforts, The Kentucky Association of Sexual Assault Programs, Inc is a statewide collaboration of the 13 crisis centers to create a strengthened message against sexual victimization.
Kentucky has incorporated SANE, sexual assault nurse examiner, and SART, sexual assault response team. The unification of the sexual assault and rape centers is done to create an advantage in achieving the large and essential goals. A social worker can assist the victims of Kentucky through this program by encompassing the efforts from all over the state into one large effort to create an impact that would receive enough attention to create change. This organization is a great opportunity for a social worker to better the functioning of …show more content…
However, this organization seems to be lacking a strong department devoted to donations and funding. There is no information on how to donate or volunteer. A social worker is experienced in expanding and utilizing their resources, and this organization could use a leader to be responsible for finding adequate funds to support projects and the program itself. Another area that is omitted by this organization is counseling. This program concentrates on public awareness and improving and monitoring public policy. With the help of a social worker, they could include counseling, therapy, and recovery plans for victims.
In addition to national and state examples, a local agency that offers services to those dealing with rape and assault trauma is Bluegrass Rape Crisis Center.
They are working to eliminate all acts of sexual violence. They provide education programs and facts on the issues related to these crimes. They hold local fundraisers, offer immediate counselors, and have support and information for contacting Lexington Police Department. Bluegrass Rape Crisis Center can provide face to face counseling and support as well as accompany victims through medical evaluations and legal processes. Social workers would be beneficial to this organization for their caring aspect that would provide the individual with their basic needs, such as medical attention and helping them cope. Social workers can assist patients in making a plan for recovery specific to their life and a strategy for dealing with the obstacles that lie
At the same time, Bluegrass Rape Crisis Center seems to disregard researching and investigating the assailant of the crime. Since most rapes occur by someone the victim knows, a social worker could take leadership by investigating the family and living situation of the victim to ensure safety. Social workers are known to evaluate and adjust unhealthy living conditions by researching and taking action rather than just counseling victims. A social worker could also step up and start lobbying and striving for legal modifications locally. Lexington area might need different laws and policies than other areas because it contains a university, which increases rape and sexual crimes. These particular types of vulnerable, populated environments need to increase security measures and better current precautions. A social worker could advocate for certain necessary changes that improve the safety of a university campus.
On the whole, a social worker can be beneficial to so many different organizations and can be used in so many different aspects. They can offer vital services that are beneficial to the delicate population of rape and sex assault victims. Social workers can provide insight to solutions and strategies to help victims, as well as drive movement toward better policies and laws that compensate for the true magnitude of this crime.