Oral-B mouthwash particularly Oral-B tooth and gum care alcohol free mouth rinse and Oral-B tooth and gum care mouth rinse (350ml and 500ml) are required to be removed from the market shelves. A bacterium called Burkholderia Anthinia is detected to be an ingredient in Oral-B mouthwash which is naturally found in soil and water. P & G said that by using these products, no risk to healthy people will happen. However, people with severely weak immune systems or people with cystic fibrosis might be affected by the contamination. According to different articles posted in the internet, possible microbial contamination was detected in these two types of Oral-B mouthwash in Canada, South America, Vietnam, China, and even here in the Philippines as well as other parts of Asia. The company had started recalling Oral-B mouthwash in the market and has informed each country’s respective health departments and institutions about this issue.
Each branch of Proctor and Gamble in every country that are affected due to microbial contamination that Oral-B has advised customers to stop using the product and contact P & G for refunds, and its customer services will handle the refund. According to Yahoo! News, “Shares of the Cincinnati-based company closed at $64.64 on Wednesday on the New York Stock Exchange”. In China, P & G is recalling almost 36,000 bottles of Oral-B, 600,000 in Mexico alone and all countries are as well advised to call P & G’s hotline.
According to the company’s spokesperson, “Whilst the safety risk is extremely low, out of an abundance