Problem Statement/Scope
The question being studied is whether Rapid Response Teams, RRT’s collaboration and team dynamics improve patient outcomes. This question doesn’t only relate to the outcome of one patient but rather to general patient population outcome, a different set of criteria to evaluate should be explored when making the decision to deploy a RRT . First it is important to evaluate whether the facility could benefit from a RRT. Are patients within heath care organizations experiencing delays in getting highly trained practitioners …show more content…
Code teams that respond to the patient’s bedside after a cardiac and/or respiratory arrest use these guidelines to intervene and “rescue” the patient. Advanced cardiac life support guidelines have been widely adopted in HCOs and are considered evidence-based practice. The adoption and implementation of RRTs in HCOs may necessitate the development of guidelines similar to advanced cardiac life support to drive the practice of RRTs. One strategy may be for the American Heart Association to research and establish evidence-based RRT guidelines. The American Heart Association is well-respected in the field of basic and advanced life support measures. Therefore, RRT guidelines developed and supported by the American Heart Association could help to increase their adoption and possibly lead to standardization in RRT practices across HCOs. The Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s 100,000 Lives Campaign measures the effectiveness of RRTs as “lives saved.” This is calculated as the difference between the number of expected deaths which is the number that would have occurred had no improvements been made and the number of actual hospital deaths during the campaign period (IHI, 2007). To date, the Institute for Healthcare Improvement has estimated that 122,300 lives were saved in an 18-month period (IHI, …show more content…
To be an effective team good communication and coordination is a must. Crisis situation are complex and a group of individuals that have expertise, knowledge and ability to collaboratively share a sense of purpose and duty. The alignment of Nurses, Doctors, Respiratory Therapist, Lab , Pharmacy and Administration are all needed in sync in order to help patient out of a crisis situation. In a study by Hillman et al (2005) found that communication and collaboration of healthcare staff influenced mortality. Development of RRT’s may be an opportunity as well as a challenge to health clinicians to develop therapeutic relationships and eliminate traditional system of hierarchies and have a positive effect on patient