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Creating a LAMP server (web server – Linux Apache Mysql
PHP) with the Raspberry Pi
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This provides details of how to configure a Raspberry Pi as a webserver.
This is similar to the guide to using Xubuntu as a LAMP webserver, but adds some of the things that need to be handled differently for the
Raspberry Pi.
It is termed a LAMP server which is one of the most common configuration for webservers which standard for:
Linux – operating system
Apache – webserver (http) software
Mysql – database server
PHP or Perl – programming languages
This setup is probably overkill for most uses of the Raspberry Pi, but it is the setup that most users will be familiar with and is a good way to learn about setting up a webserver. I’ll be looking at setting up a lightweight setup in future.
All this configuration is done at the command line. This may not be quite as easy as clicking a few icons, but it has many advantages, including the ability to remotely manage and install the server. It also means that the computer can spend more of it’s time server up web pages and less processor time drawing a GUI, which is after all the whole point of a webserver.
Why use the Pi?
Avoiding the geeking answer of “because I can” I think there are some good reasons for doing this.
Learn Linux The main aim of this site is to teach Linux skills. The best way to do that is to actually do
http://www.penguintutor.com/linux/raspberrypi-webserver[11/30/2013 1:43:50 AM]
Creating a LAMP server (web server - Linux Apache Mysql PHP) on the Raspberry Pi - Linux tutorial from PenguinTutor
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