Fixed Turnover Ratio
The ratio indicates the ability of the firm to generate sales from its capital assets. It indicates how well the company can generate sales from every rupee of capital assets available with the company. The ratio is continuous increasing as compare to preceding year. It is a good sign since aim of the company should decrease its efficient rather than increases.
Debt-Equity Ratio
Interpretation Debt equity ratio in year 2010 was 0.42:1 it means for every 1 Re. invested by way was of equity, the company has borrowed Rs.0.42 paisa by way of debt from outside. Debt equity ratio in the year 2011 is 0.42:1; it means for every 1 Re. invested by way was of equity, the company has borrowed Rs.0.42 by way of debt from outside. Debt equity ratio in the year 2012 is 0.46:1; it means for every 1 Re. invested by way was of equity, the company has borrowed Rs.0.46 by way of debt from outside. Debt equity ratio in the year 2013 is 0.52:1; it means for every 1 Re. invested by way was of equity, the company has borrowed Rs.0.52 by way of debt from outside. Comparing ratio of the years one can say company has major fixed liability of payment of interest and other obligation to debt. The ratio decrease little bit in year