References: 1. Dr. Promod Kumar.: “Analysis of financial statement of Indian Industries”Saujaniya Publication Ltd. 1992 2 9. Review of Business Research, 2007 by Tarun K.Mukherjee, Prakash Deo. 12. Kulshreshtha, N.K., “Analysis of Financial statements of Indian Paper industry”, Aligarh: Navman Publishing House, 1972, p.133. 14. Hunt W. and Donaldson, G., “Business Finance-text and cases”, Illinois: Richard D.Irwin, 1965, Pp.114-115. 15. Roy Chowdhar, A.B., “Analysis and Interpretation of Financial statements”, New Delhi Orient Longmans, 1970, p.24. 16. Bogen, J.J., “Financial Handbook” New Delhi: The Ronald press, 1957,p.253. 18. Hingorani, N.L.and Raman than, A.R., “Management Accounting”, New Delhi: Sultan Chand & Sons, 1977,p.115. 19. Srivastava, R.M., “Financial Management”, Meerut India: Pragati Prakasjan, 1979, p.476. 22. Mohsin, M., “Financial Planning and Control”; NewDelhi: Vikas publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 1980, p.174. 24. HENDERSON, G.V., Gurry, J.R.Trnnep Oh., James E. Wirt., “An Introduction to financial Management”, California: Addition-Wesley publishing company, 1984, p.122. Originality = 175.00, importance = 162.50, overall quality = 162.50 This Article was published on 14th March, 2012 at 18:41:24 and has been viewed 2635 times.
References: 1. Dr. Promod Kumar.: “Analysis of financial statement of Indian Industries”Saujaniya Publication Ltd. 1992 2 9. Review of Business Research, 2007 by Tarun K.Mukherjee, Prakash Deo. 12. Kulshreshtha, N.K., “Analysis of Financial statements of Indian Paper industry”, Aligarh: Navman Publishing House, 1972, p.133. 14. Hunt W. and Donaldson, G., “Business Finance-text and cases”, Illinois: Richard D.Irwin, 1965, Pp.114-115. 15. Roy Chowdhar, A.B., “Analysis and Interpretation of Financial statements”, New Delhi Orient Longmans, 1970, p.24. 16. Bogen, J.J., “Financial Handbook” New Delhi: The Ronald press, 1957,p.253. 18. Hingorani, N.L.and Raman than, A.R., “Management Accounting”, New Delhi: Sultan Chand & Sons, 1977,p.115. 19. Srivastava, R.M., “Financial Management”, Meerut India: Pragati Prakasjan, 1979, p.476. 22. Mohsin, M., “Financial Planning and Control”; NewDelhi: Vikas publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 1980, p.174. 24. HENDERSON, G.V., Gurry, J.R.Trnnep Oh., James E. Wirt., “An Introduction to financial Management”, California: Addition-Wesley publishing company, 1984, p.122. Originality = 175.00, importance = 162.50, overall quality = 162.50 This Article was published on 14th March, 2012 at 18:41:24 and has been viewed 2635 times.