a. National actor, nation or government must have one set of specified goals, one set of options, and estimation of the consequences.
b. The problem, action is chosen based on the problem that faced by the nation.
c. Static selection, the representative of government has chosen the relevant solution toward the problem as the alternative outcomes.
d. Action as rational choice, which are include the components below:
The basic concepts of the action of rational actor are:
1. Goals and objectives: State as a rational actor will choose the alternative policies that have the highest consequences (beneficial) in order to meet the objectives to be achieved. A policy that taken is a policy that can maximize …show more content…
Alternatives/options: the rational actor must choose among a set of alternatives that shows in a particular situation. The state as a rational actor trying to pick each alternative option to maximize benefits and minimize costs received. According to Allison, the outcomes (policy) as a result of compromise among the actors. The ability and skill of the actors would determines the outcome of the decision process. In determine the alternative option, the rational choice use to decide what options will be taken by the actor. Rational choice theory attempts to provide an explanation regarding the best possible choice for decision makers. The action taken must relevant to the …show more content…
From 2013, data shows that China population is 1.3 billion. However, implemented the two child policy will only increase the population to a number of 1.45 billion in next 20 years. By the January 2016, there are 90 thousand couples signed to have a second children. Data from the National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Survey show that 35% of the women preferred having only one child and 57% preferred having two children. Very few women (an average of 5.8%) wanted more than two. It is also will balance the demographic and gender imbalance. Two child policy is considered has much benefit and less loss rather than keep the one child policy. Beside that, if they are not change the policy, the pressure from international actor will keep burdened China with the human right