3. Here are the two different views I have concerning acceptance of gratuities by police officers. The first is If a police officer accepts a gift from …show more content…
Here are the five goals Braswell, McCarthy, and McCarthy established for studying ethics and criminal justice. First one is becoming more aware and open to moral and ethical issues. The second is developing critical thinking and analytical skills. Third one is becoming more personally responsible. The fourth one is understanding how criminal justice is engaged in getting people to do things by force or threats. And the last one is developing a holistic and ethical …show more content…
The circumstances that constitute torture as an interrogation tactic depends on how much pain it causes.
4. These are the four ways that inmates might try to form closer relationships with corrections staff. Number one is "friendly fella" where the inmate tries to be your friend. Number two is "prince charming" where the inmate acts as if he is the perfect guy. Number three is "flattering and complimenting companion" where the inmate compliments you and tries to make you feel good. And number four is "the teammate" where the inmate acts like he is on your side with a conflict you have.
5. Utilitarian ethical system was founded by Jeremy Bentham in 1780. Utilitarianism says that your choices and actions should be made solely based on the amount of happiness it makes. the more people that benefit from it the better. If you have two options then you should pick the one that brings the most happiness to the most amount of people. There are many conflicts with this theory.
6. Ethical formalism is a ethical theory that states if something is said to be wrong then it is wrong all of the time without