All of those are proven factors of crime through key sociological theories. The rational choice theory is when people weigh the potential risks against the rewards. This is similar to the classical theory …show more content…
The social control theory examines how society influences criminal behavior. Peer pressure is the perfect example for both of these. Someone may see their friends or family do it and be encouraged by them. Thus, teenagers in high crime areas have disproportionate contact with people already involved in criminal activities, like gangs, and drugs. However children who are neglected and abused are more likely to grow up sand commit crimes as well. There’s a strong chance a victim may grow up to victimize others. There’s a quote by Will Bowen that’s absolutely true, “Hurt people hurt people.” Those that have been sexually abused grow up to become abusers of others. Hurt people interpret their actions through their pain, transferring their anger towards others.
The labeling theory is when an individual is labeled, and therefore becomes what others expect him or her to be. People become stigmatized, and start accepting the title as personal identities, because they start to see them as more important than any other aspects. Instead of being labeled a father or friend, a person is now a thief or a hooligan. Now they are looked at differently amongst society and sadly themselves. The most powerful people in society impose the most significant labels such as judges and police officers. Those who have negative labels have lower self-esteem, lower expectation, and peer