I have many loves in life, photography, music and writing, but eventually my love dries out. They say your career should be a pursuit that you never grow tired of, that your interest is so deep in you can never soak up too much knowledge of the subject. I have found for me, that love is journalism.
When journalism is chosen as a career, society tends to have a stereotypical image of a group of photographers chasing celebrities. If not, then an image of an anonymous person writing biased comments about current affairs, trying to manipulate the truth. They are all wrong. Journalism is so much more. The work of journalist consists of interviewing and attending events in all conditions in order to gather news and information for public interest. This is followed by further research into the background information then assessing suitability of reports and articles for public. The process is much more difficult than expected.
As a person who is studying to become a journalist I can say that my future career as a journalist I see as a human rights journalist. I am very passionate about becoming human rights journalist and helping breech the gap between the public and real life events especially internationally.
Because I live in a small country, to be a journalist and a successful one is very difficult. By choosing to be a human rights journalist, I want to help my fellow citizens to regain faith in the media. I want to push them to realize that journalists can change the situation in which we live. Journalists are not strangers. Journalists are people who are living in this country and are facing the same problems. The future as this kind of journalist I imagine to be very diverse. I would like to travel to as many countries as I can report about the problems of my country. Also I would like to report about others countries problems to my country. I think reporters can be small...