I. What is Nutrition
Nutrition is the science or study of food and the ways in which the body use food. Also the study of how and why we make food choices.
Nutrients are the substances in food that provide energy or help form body tissues and are necessary for life and growth
A. Six classes of Nutrients
Carbohydrates are a class of energy-giving nutrients that includes sugars, starches, and fiber
Fats are a class of energy-g9iving nutrients and are the main form in which energy is stored in the body
Proteins are a class of energy0giving nutrients made up of amino acids which are needed to build and repair body structures and to regulate processes in the body
B. A Balanced Diet Keeps You Healthy
Too much of anything and it is stored as fat
Having too much fat (being overweight) can lead to several dangerous things
Does not affect you right away, usually takes time
C. Food Has Fuel for Your Body
Metabolism is the chemical process that takes place in your body to keep you alive and active
The energy in food is measured by Calories
II. Carbohydrates
Found in foods such as fruit, milk, cookies, and potatoes and all made up of the same things; sugar
Two different types: simple and compex
Simple are made up of single or double sugar molecules
Complex are made up of many that are linked together
A. Sugars: Sweet and Simple
Simplest form of Carbohydrates
Glucose is a sugar that circulates in your blood and provides energy for you cells
Refined sugars are found in candy, soda and cakes, which are unnatural
B. Starches: Not so Simple
Starches are a type of complex carbohydrate and is recommended that 45 to 65 percent of Calorie diet comes from carbohydrates
C. Glycogen: Storage Carbohydrate