Fall 2012
Location: INSTR. PLAZA N106
M W 1:25-2:15
Dr. Ryan Bakker
Baldwin 416
Course Description
This introductory course is designed to examine the role that American government and politics plays in our lives and provide a better understanding of the functions and responsibilities of our governmental system. To learn more about the nature of American political institutions, we will examine features of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches as well as the role of political parties, interest groups, the media and the bureaucracy in our political system. We will also discuss each of these topics from a historical perspective while simultaneously placing them in the context of contemporary political debates.
Required Texts
American Government: Power and Purpose, Core Twelfth Edition (2012) by Theodore Lowi, Benjamin
Ginsberg, Kenneth A. Shepsle, and Stephen Ansolabehere. ISBN: 978-0-393-91209-8
Georgia Politics in a State of Change, Fourth Custom Edition for the University of Georgia, by Charles
S. Bullock and Ronald Keith Gaddie ISBN: 1-256-81336-2
General Expectations
I expect all students to behave professionally in this class. I will not tolerate disruptive behavior in the classroom, including (but not limited to) talking during lectures, reading newspapers, the ringing of cell phones or pagers, leaving class early, inappropriate or offensive remarks, and personal attacks against other students or the instructor. Although class attendance on Mondays and Wednesdays is not mandatory, you will be held responsible for all material in the textbooks and in lectures, even if you miss a class. If you are absent, be sure to get the notes from a fellow classmate.
Course Requirements
Your grade in this course will be based on the following components:
Attendance and Participation (10%)
Quizzes (10%)
Exam #1 (15%)
Exam #2 (20%)