BAP3A Ms. Karen Padilla
William Shakespeare’s Hamlet was truly a masterpiece in its own right. It excellently portrays the struggles of a young man who is trying to find his place in a world full of treachery, madness, schemes and family disputes. Hamlet is a tragedy that shows us how afraid we all are, no matter what our circumstance. It is this fear of loss, of death – this uncertainty, which makes cowards of us all.
Many conflicts arose in Hamlet, and some of these can be related to modern times. One of which is the conflict which Hamlet had within himself. His father had just died, and the kingdom was about to go to war. He was disgusted that his uncle took his mother to be his own wife. His sweetheart Ophelia had just broken up with him. And on top of all these, he was suddenly pressured by a ghost to avenge his father’s death. With all of these happening almost all at once, it would be clearly too much for a simple man to take. Many of us in this day and age may be going through the same situation, although in different ways. The external pressures and the endless demands that pile up every day may take a toll on us, eventually. It may cause us to burn out, and suddenly we realize how we are so consumed with all that is happening, that we don’t know who we are, or what to believe. Many people are searching for an escape, a release. Some seek for redemption from their circumstances. Either way, the human being struggles each day to get through all that life throws at him. But we all come to a point where all the frustration becomes too much for us to handle and we enter into a breakdown of our own.
As the play progressed, we see that Hamlet continues to experience conflicts in that he cannot seem to kill Claudius, even though he seemed driven and intent on avenging his father. There is a very lengthy delay in his revenge, from the time he heard the ghost’s allegations