Regarding your editorial of February 3, 2010, the saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” could not fit more perfectly to portray the increased risk of cardiovascular disease, many Canadians face today.
Not only has the number of Canadians at risk of cardiovascular and metabolic disease almost doubled, as rightfully stated in your article, but now a whole new generation has been deemed at risk. Middle-aged people no longer hold the title of being the ones at risk of heart disease now, as new, much younger contenders move in to share some of the limelight.
In your article, you have held your findings to numbers presented by the Ontario Medical Association. To further validate your argument, I have come across a study where the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada officially declared young adults, aged 20 to 29, as Canada’s “new at risk” group. This goes hand-in-hand with the statement the OMA’s president, Dr. Suzzane Strasberg, made about doctors, who would soon be treating patients in their 30s and 40s for blindness, kidney failure and heart disease, as quoted in your article. The connection to the two can be clearly seen.
Having stated that, I would like to investigate even further and present you with a study conducted by Heart Niagara, a charitable group that provides screenings in high schools and helps bolster the health curriculum. Their findings indicated that 1 in 5 teens, aged 14 to 15, had high blood pressure or high cholesterol, which put them on the fast track to potential heart disease; a trend that exemplifies clearly, the aforementioned findings of the OMA and the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada.
In your article, Dr. Strasberg states that it is Ontarians’ poor lifestyle choices have put people at higher risk for chronic disease compared to their parents and grandparents. This statement is especially befitting to the current day and age we live in.