In todays modern era, we oftentimes mistakenly separate Engineering and Philosophy as two different fields where one is solely composed of numbers and equations while the other one is embodied by pure ethical and behavioral principles as if Engineering and Philosophy are two mutually exclusive domain. However, we never realized that the two are like bread and butter – uniquely different from each other yet cannot be eaten alone as one enhances the other and vice versa. Our world may be shot through with technology, but our technology is in turn interpenetrated with our philosophical dialogue.
Its so facinating to look how far we have gone from the nature’s simple structure to a complex and structured world. We are now facing a phenomena where the power of human’s idea has moved us from caved habitat to a carpentered world. Humans are able to engineered the earth through the application of scientific and philosophical principles. We can observe vast inventions and fast-phased technological innovations in which our mind are capable of doing, all through the aid of engineering. We are able to bridge continents , build complicated mega structures and even communicate from distant location. We successfully conquare the moon and have let our deepest inquiries about the earth and the universe flee through unmanned-space vehicles.
If we are to study and dig deeply enough, we could see that all of these engineering ideas aim to satisfy human needs either physical, phychological, spiritual or emotional. We invented the telephone in order to connect to our loved ones - to always feel that we are never far from them. We build stoned-houses in order to shelter better our families. We make our social world larger through interactive internet websites.We also transformed economics, art, literature, music,housing, food and politics by technological makings. We can see these in graphic media presentations,