Leaders of old went to the face of the battle themselves: Julius Caesar inspired his legions against the vast armies of Vercingetorix by leading the charge himself, risking his human flesh to the blades and arrows of his enemies; Alexander the Great rode straight into the enemy, into the heart of the Persian army, in the Battle of Gaugamela; Queen Elizabeth I was with the English army during their defense of England against the invasion fleet of the Spanish Armada. People are greatly motivated when they know that their leaders are beside them, when they know that their leaders confront challenges and challenge the odds. Leadership is at its best when relayed directly to subordinates. It loses its effectiveness when delegated. The same goes with communication. The message is effectively sent when delivered directly to the receiver. It tends to be distorted when coursed thru other people. In the organizational setting, the sentiments of employees are filtered when conveyed thru the middle management. At this level, issues and concerns are screened or are altered so as not to merit negative feedback when presented to the top management. Hence, the concerns in the lower hierarchy of the organization are not completely resolved. This is what Joe and Larry wanted to discover. They wanted to experience how their company operates and what their employees have to confront every day in doing
Leaders of old went to the face of the battle themselves: Julius Caesar inspired his legions against the vast armies of Vercingetorix by leading the charge himself, risking his human flesh to the blades and arrows of his enemies; Alexander the Great rode straight into the enemy, into the heart of the Persian army, in the Battle of Gaugamela; Queen Elizabeth I was with the English army during their defense of England against the invasion fleet of the Spanish Armada. People are greatly motivated when they know that their leaders are beside them, when they know that their leaders confront challenges and challenge the odds. Leadership is at its best when relayed directly to subordinates. It loses its effectiveness when delegated. The same goes with communication. The message is effectively sent when delivered directly to the receiver. It tends to be distorted when coursed thru other people. In the organizational setting, the sentiments of employees are filtered when conveyed thru the middle management. At this level, issues and concerns are screened or are altered so as not to merit negative feedback when presented to the top management. Hence, the concerns in the lower hierarchy of the organization are not completely resolved. This is what Joe and Larry wanted to discover. They wanted to experience how their company operates and what their employees have to confront every day in doing