A Feasibility Study (FS) is a method of operation employed to precisely describe what a project is and what strategic issue need to be considered to assess the probability of gaining success. The following are the different types of FS: technical, economic, cultural, legal/ethical, resource, operational, marketing, real estate, and comprehensive feasibility. FS are done by companies whenever there is a new project to deal with. It is also used as a basis for an investment decision, whether to pursue or not on a particular project or business, or to make sure that there will be a return on investment (ROI).
FS is a necessity in the Philippine setting in the sense that in this unstable economy of ours, investing in something which does not promise any substantial returns is deemed to be a suicidal act. We do know that monetary remuneration is not the only important thing that any of our investments expect in return but it is what fuels our endeavors to continue to be of service to others and give our clients what is due them. A comprehensively conducted FS will help us determine the strengths and weaknesses of any project we are about to execute which in due course will save us money, time and effort.
Situational Analysis is the step in the formulation of a plan, formulation of objectives and targets, formulation of policies and strategies, identification of programs and projects and last is investment programming or budgeting. Problem identification identifies the issues and problems that need to be solved. The framework for analyzing social outcomes include: outcomes, resources, services and facilities, access and utilization of services and facilities and environment. The profile of the target population describes the context which involves physical, economic, social, cultural and political environment where the population subsists.
The process