1. Admiration to all who have advisories as yourself. I am not able to do so at the moment, but my hopes is to continue being me and spreading good will onto others. Eventually my plan is to help many who are unable to buy their own food.
2. “Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.”
― William Faulkner
3. “..things are never as complicated as they seem. It is only our arrogance that prompts us to find unnecessarily complicated answers to simple problems.”
1. "The prizes don't matter much to me. I just want to see how far I can go."
2. "It is for me to gain experience and exposure as it would help me for castings in the modelling industry."
7 reasons :
The number one of a million reasons to enter a beauty pageant is to build self-confidence. Take me, for example... You would never catch me talking in front of large crowds, or being social at all... until my Mom entered me in my first pageant amongst 213 girls! Talk about life changing! I walked away by being 4th runner-up and I was in awe of how much self-confidence I had gained in one weekend!
There are so many things you learn not only about yourself, but also about communication skills, leadership, interviews, and poise! Pageantry is a doorway for those who want to be on stage, give back, and of course learn more about themselves! I never saw pageantry as a competition, I always looked at it as a learning experience. Because out of the whole weekend, you learn so much that it's beyond mind blowing what you can grasp!
The girls you compete with become your family, regardless of all the stereotyping about catty girl fights and fake, plastic personalities. You'll be pleased to learn that it isn't true. You'll always have one of those girls, but I'm happy to say that all the girls I've competed with are STILL my friends, and we consider ourselves a sisterhood! Support system, backbone, encouragement, and much more!
Pageantry gives you a window of opportunities, this world ties in with the entertainment world! So, it opens doors to modeling, acting, performing, and much more! Even if you want to speak out about things you are passionate about for philanthropy points of views as well! I have been blessed; since doing pageantry I have been in movies, on TV, modeled, hosted, did radio, sang in concert, and much more! And, I was able to do all of these thanks to being in a pageant!
Now, the best sides of pageantry are the organizations you get to work with or begin! I'm all about giving back, paying it forward, and doing the right thing! Pageantry gives you the opportunity to network with numerous organizations and work with them, help them spread the awareness and much more! Now, you don't need a sash or crown to be involved with your community!
Now, of course the crown and sash are materialistically the highlights of the competition. The title itself! But, something my successor once told me is that "you define the crown, the crown does not define you." Meaning, you make the crown, so do something good, amazing, and make a difference. Your reign is only a year, and in a year you can do whatever your heart pleases! Many of my sister Queens and I started our own organizations, and some are even on television now!
I would be lying if I said pageantry didn't do anything for you! Because pageantry literally changed who I am, my vision, and everything I once was. It taught me so much about myself, and I learned so much about other key things in life from poise, grace, proper communication, building self-confidence, networking, and much more!
I would never take back any of the competitions I've ever competed in. I'm grateful for each and every experience I've encountered. Although, I may have not won every single one, I walked away with much more than a crown and title. These alone are my reasons to enter in a pageant. Have you ever competed in a pageant? If so, what systems? Do you disagree with my article, and if you do, why?
32 Common Pageant Questions and Answers Sample
6 Replies
Here are the world’s top 32 pageant questions and answers sample most commonly asked during pageants. Read and master them.
Pageant questions and answers top 1-10
What is the relevance of a beauty pageant in our society?
A beauty pageant is a celebration of beauty. It is an act of acknowledging and giving honor to the beauty that God has given unto us. It is also an effective means to campaign for social awareness of different social issues and problems that need our attention since the answers of the candidates would serve as pieces of good advice to the concerned public.
How do you see yourself fifteen years from now?
Fifteen years from now, I can see myself as a successful broadcaster and is able to provide a good service to the people by delivering them the information that they need to know without any fear of being threatened by anybody who has the power to do such things. I will ensure and serve as a vanguard of truth as a responsible, accurate and fearless broadcaster.
Who is the most influential person in your life?
The most influential person in my life is my mom. My mother is what exactly I want to be in the future: kind, compassionate and a true epitome of a Christ-like mother. She extended a helping hand and shared her blessings to people who were in much need of help. She is an inspiration for me, for the people in our place and for others who knew her.
If you won in a lottery for millions of pesos, what would you do with it?
If I won millions of pesos in a lottery, I would use it as a capital to start a small business to gain profit that I could share to those who need it. What is good about starting a micro-business is that it is not a one-time deal. In case that it turned out to be good and business expansion is necessary, I would be able to lessen unemployment.
If you had to live your life all over again, what part of your life would you change?
None, I would not change even a single scene in my life. I am because of what I have been through, changing any part of my life automatically changes my definition as a person, and I do not want that to happen.
If you were given the chance to live again, what would it be?
If I were given the chance to live again, I would still be me. Whoever you are, wherever you are and whatever you are, there is work in this world that you alone could do. There is a sound that you alone could make. There is someone who would miss you if you are not around. And there is a place in this world that you alone could fill. That is why if given the chance to live again, I would still be me.
If you were given the chance to change something from the past, what would it be?
I would not change anything from the past. The society we live in and the person we are today is the product of the past. The past is something to be cherished be it sad or happy. It is a memory that we should be thankful. It is a part of history that must be respected and treated as a gift from God.
If God will grant you one wish, what would it be?
If God will grant me one wish, I wish to God that from now on, no one in this world should ever be hungry because of being financially deprived. It is an awful fact to accept that the world has been very busy in its luxurious living while hundreds, thousands, and millions of beggars tonight are still out there on the cold grounds waiting for alms.
What is your edge over the others as a contestant?
What skills do you have that can help the society?
My edge over the others as a contestant in this beauty pageant is my confidence and my convincing aura of beauty that I can use to persuade and influence other people to become responsive and helpful to the needy as I perform my duty as an Ambassador of Goodwill. In that way, my edge will not only be a great help for me to win the pageant but will also be a great way to achieve my goal in helping people in a wider range.
What can be your greatest contribution to the community?
The greatest contribution I can make for the community is to join wholesome projects and activities. These are clean and green projects, charity missions and pageants like this that endeavor the development of one’s personality, confidence, self–esteem and other skills that help someone achieve his goals and be able to be of use to the community as a future professional, a public servant, or an entrepreneur.
Pageant questions and answers top 11-20
What do you think is the greatest environmental problem today?
What will be your contribution to mitigate global warming?
An answer can be found in Beauty Pageant Questions (see related links).
What do you like most about yourself?
How would you describe your own personality?
What I do like most about myself is that I am charming and simple. I can stay and look charming and sweet even after an unpleasant situation. I am a simple person too with simple and clear ambitions that is to finish my studies, have a good family and be of service to my fellowmen.
What is your philosophy or value that you hold dearest in life?
My philosophy in life is to stay morally upright despite the prevalent immoral acts in our society. (Emergency Phrase)With that, I would be presentable into the eyes of my friends, my family and especially to God. (Define Winner)
To whose famous personality do you find yourself parallel with?
I find my personality in parallel with that of Kris Aquino, because like her, I find myself jolly, sweet, and charming. I try to carry myself well: matured, determined, God-fearing, and willing to share my blessings to the needy one.
What do you think is the essence of winning this pageant?
An answer can be found in Beauty Contest Questions (see related links).
How could you convince the audience and the board of judges that you deserve the title?
I could convince the audience and the board of judges that I deserve the title (Title of the Pageant) because I am more than willing to help the (state the name of the pageant sponsor) (Emergency Phrase). With that, I am worth crowning.
If you will be winning the crown tonight, what will be the very first thing you will do?
If I will be crowned tonight as (Title of Pageant), the very first thing that I will do is to thank God. Nothing could be much more important than offering my achievements and thanking God who is the source of all things beautiful.
What constitutes true beauty?
For me, true beauty is anything that is towards the likeliness of God. It constitutes cleanliness of body and spirit, pureness of heart and soul and goodness of actions and deeds.
What is “success” for you?
Success is not actually measured by greatness, honors or powers. For me, “success” is when you are able to hold on to what is right even the world compromises with the “wrong”; is able to live, enjoy and inspire people to continue living with the upright morals.
Pageant questions and answers top 21-32
If you did not make it to this contest, what would you do?
If I did not make it to this contest, I will continue improving my talents and skills so that it would be of great help to others and at the same time be a role model or an epitome of a person who continues to perfect herself by working and serving others.
What has been your greatest achievement?
What is the best thing that happened to you?
The greatest achievement I have done in my life is joining this pageant. I believe this is but a proof of how dignified and decent I am to present myself before you.
If there is one thing you can do to change the world, what will it be?
I will not change anything. The world is not yet an awful abode. It is still a beautiful place where beautiful people can live into. We should be ever thankful to God that He created everything with grace and perfection. The world might have some problems but God has the best plan for us. Furthermore, these things are only challenges. I still believe that people are good in the earth where Jesus lives. And because of that, I would not change anything but rather be thankful to God.
What are the sacrifices you have made for this pageant?
The sacrifices I have made for this pageant are time, effort, and good sleep. However in return, it is worth it. Colorful experiences and unforgettable memories, confidence and self-esteem I have gained and friends that I have met are more than the worth of the sacrifices that I have invested.
What is being “simple”?
For me, being “simple” means; finishing my studies, having a good and happy family, living, accepting, and enjoying life as you share your blessings to other people.
What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
An answer can be found in Beauty Pageant Questions (see related links).
What is your favorite body part?
My favorite body part is my hand because this is the primary body part that I use to help someone and to work toward the accomplishment of my goals.
If you would (invent a thing) be a thing, what would it be?
An answer can be found in Pageant Questions about Environment.
Who do you think is the sexiest man alive today?
A) Many Pacquiao has proven his supremacy as the world’s No.1 boxer. He became a global icon and a living legend as the King of the Ring. Many Pacquiao has given our country and the Filipino people much honor, pride and glory not for just a year but a decade of fights that would never be forgotten into the hearts of every Filipino and into the eyes of the world that “We – the Filipinos can”.
B) I find the First U.S. Black President Barack Obama as the most popular person. He himself became an affirmation that denied rights, gender, race, creed, or even sexual preference is already an outdated idea. His victory is proof that reason can conquer hatred, and maturity can replace prejudice and has taught the world a lesson and has given a great leap and awakening. And because of that, he has been the apple of the eye of the people in every corner of the world.
What is a “winner” for you?
For me, a “winner” is a person who learned and realized most of life’s lessons; was able to respect and gain others’ respect; has become a friend to everyone and was able to help his fellows. That would be a “winner” for me.
What quality should every candidate possess?
For me, every candidate should have the quality of a true beauty that constitutes cleanliness of body and spirit, pureness of heart and soul, and goodness of actions and deeds. It is because the (state what pageant it is) candidates also serve as ambassadors of goodwill, role models to the society, and as representatives of the (state the pageant sponsor). Thus, the candidates should really be beautiful in and out.
Among the candidates, who do you find a major threat to you?
I find and consider candidate number (state the number), ate (Filipino term for older sister) (state the name) a threat to me as well as to other candidates. As we all know and see, she is so reserved, beautiful, and ahead of us in years. So, I believe, she is tough to be overcome by any of the candidates including myself.
Reason 1 - Overcome Shyness
Reason 2 - Display Talent
Reason 3 - Life Skills
Reason 4 – Excellence
Beauty Pageants Can be a Good Experience
Think of a beauty pageant as a good experience for a tween, teen or adult. It is an opportunity to showcase your beauty and talents. While pageantry has different rules from high fashion modeling in relation to the walk, poses and photography, being a contestant in a pageant can be a stepping stone into the world of modeling. Another factor that would make it a good experience is the new things you learn that can be applied to everyday life like learning to be more ladylike and poised.
A Good Reason to Enter a Pageant is to Gain Confidence
Gaining confidence is good for any person of any age. Taking part in a pageant will surely help to build a person's confidence because the event will be held in front of an audience of friends and strangers. Even if a contestant does not win, the fact that she participated is enough to lift her spirits and raise her confidence.
Improve Public Speaking by Entering a Pageant
There are several activities that young people can participate in to improve their public speaking which include joining a drama group, sharing poetry or joining a youth club. However, since most pageants have appearances at public events, an introduction and possibly a question segment and interviews, this provides an excellent way to improve public speaking skills.
Pageants for older young ladies may also have a platform speech segment which also requires additional research and a longer time on stage sharing information.
Beauty Pageants Offer Good Prizes
In the past, winners of the Miss British Virgin Islands Pageant have won a new automobile and a scholarship as well as the crown which the winner gets to keep. Some pageants offer cash prizes and in some cases all the contestants receive trophies, sashes, gift certificates or gift baskets. Potential contestants should also note that once they have financial backing, they will get to keep the costumes, gowns, shoes and accessories from the event.
Pageants are a Great Way to Meet New People
A good reason to enter a pageant is to meet new people. Any opportunity to meet new people provides a chance for networking. A young lady or a toddler’s parents will get to know the other contestants, pageant organizers, make-up and hair-stylists. New friendships can be formed and business linkages can be made through pageants.
One might ask, ‘What’s a good reason to enter a beauty pageant?’ Enter a beauty pageant for networking, to improve confidence and to hone public speaking skills. Another good reason is the opportunity to win the prizes and for the experience of being on stage.