Kaylee Leonard
JRN 180 002
James Stockwell
20 April 2015
To change up my paper in an attempt towards making it more interesting for me, I decided to write my paper on a film that I’ve never seen. I will write what I think it will be like, and then when I’m done, I’ll say what my general thoughts are and what other people think of it as well. It will literally be my immediate reaction to watching the film.
To pick what film I was going to write about, I scrolled through Netflix with my boyfriend. I thought to myself that it would be better to find a movie with him that we both equally thought was interesting. The first few movies I stopped on were movies like
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas or
Remember Me
, but neither of those appealed to my boyfriend and me at the same time. The first movie we could both agree on, though, was
. It was newly released onto Netflix but the movie came out in 2013.
Something about the plot being about what’s left of humanity always gets to us. To me, it sounds apocalyptic which I surprisingly like even though the thought terrifies me. I’m even scared of zombie movies and yet I still watch them. Dealing with the nightmares is worth the feeling of my heart in my throat, I guess. My first impression of this movie without watching it at all, just looking at the movie cover and brief synopsis, is that it’s going to be a good movie. I’m excited, in all honesty. The star is Chris Evans, good old Captain America. I do like his acting, mind you I also like eye candy when I’m watching a film. It’s also a scifi & fantasy thriller
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which I’m really into. It’s rated almost 4.5 stars on Netflix which is just a general public rating, and I’m hoping it lives up to expectations of being a great film.
After just finishing the movie, there are questions I need to ask myself. Does it do what it intends to do? Will I want to see it again? Can it be used as a benchmark to