
Reactions Personified !: Video Analysis

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Reactions Personified!
What Happens When Mirrors Get into Jungle?
Mirrors may be the usual part of our daily life but for animals they may turn entirely different. This video captures all those reactions these animals tend to show the moment they come across a mirror. Some of them do not really care, whereas some of them appear being confused or at times very angry as well.
Is It Me?
These animals upon coming across the mirrors were entirely reacting in a different manner. In the first instance, these animals were looking at the mirror furiously that what is being displayed in front of them. Similarly, a number of animals were ignoring the fact of such presence as if it was something very normal for them. A few them reacted in a pathetic way,
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But when it comes to animals, the humans always think that these animals are fools and have nothing to think about in anyway. Well, this video is a clear example of the way animals exercise their discretion and achieve anything they want removing all the barriers.
Paddy’s Train Ride
The dog featured in this video is called Paddy who was daily left behind by its owner when going to work. Since Paddy loved the owner a lot, it always wanted to travel with him to work rather than stay at home alone. Paddy tried to make all possible efforts to escape after owner and one day it was successful. The moment owner sat on a train seat the passenger sitting next to him was Paddy. Paddy came out of the backyard by using trampoline; it knew that when one jumps on trampoline it bonuses back with a huge force and it did happen to Paddy even making the escape possible. It was discretion of Paddy which made it work this way and attain success.
Recovering From
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They have no time for them to make them eat, to take care of their minor needs. But these animals always set out the most incredible example of love and courteousness.
Dog’s Bonding
Here in this video a dog lost its eyesight, in order to make this dog lead a peaceful life the two other dogs took the charge. This blind dog is now taken care of in the best way, they make sure that this dog eats on a timely basis, this dog sleeps on a timely basis and this dog is safe at all times. All this is something entirely incredible since usually it never happens, the humans have turned so selfish these days that how come animals could express so much love. But now, animals are more inclined towards taking care of one another, not only they take care of fellow animals in fact for humans too they have a soft

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