Reading aloud activity is commonly used by teachers all around the world.However,most ELT methodology authors such as Broghton,Brumfit,Flavell,Hill,and Pincas, on the other hand some speacialists suggest its use.The discussion about reading aloud is a perennial one. It has been discussed over thirty years or more,reading aloud is beneficial or just a time filler.In recent years,it is proven to be a useful tool while acquiring vocabulary,developing reading skills and comprehension of context. Reading aloud effects language learning in a positive manner.
There will be a comprehensive revision of reading aloud and will be answered the following questions:
1-What are the effects of read-aloud activities? 2-What are the advantages or disadvantages of reading aloud activities? 3-How can teachers use read-aloud activities to enhance student’s ability to read?
Reading aloud is regarded as bad practice by EFL/ESL teachers and by EFL/ESL methodology experts(Amer, 1997, 43). For example, Hill and Dobbyn(1979: 69) consider that reading aloud is only a way of filling 45 minutes in classroom and reading aloud is not beneficial for students(cited in Amer, 1997, 43). Other oppositions to reading aloud claim that: It is boring, causing anxiety and it has no noteworthy benefit for the students, particularly for the listeners. Reading aloud is a complicated activity to do well both for native speakers and language learners, so this might cause demotivation of students (Gibson, 2008, 29 - 30). The pupils might be handicapped by English spelling and make mistakes in the pronunciation of words they know orally (Birch cited in Gibson, 2008, 30).
‘A frequently cited reason for using reading aloud is for the improvement of pronunciation. However, doubt is cast on the effectiveness of this by Celce-Murcia, Brinton, and Goodwin (1996) because of
References: Amer,Aly A.(1997). The Effect of The Teacher’s Reading Aloud on the Reading Comprehension of EFL Students.ELT Journal. 51/1: 43-47 Cho,Kyong Sook and Choi Dong Seop(2008). Are Read-Aloud and Free Reading “Natural Partners”?.Knowledge Quest. 36/5: 69-73 Gibson,Sally.(2008).Reading Aloud: A Useful Learnig Tool?.ELT Journal.62/1: 29-37 Kindle,Karen J.(2009). Vocabulary Development During Read-Alouds: Primary Practices. The Reading Teacher. 63/3: 202-211. Santoro,Lana Edwards. Chard,J. David. Howard,Lisa. Baker,Scott K.(2008). Making Very Most of Classroom Read-Alouds to Promote Comprehension and Vocabulary.The Reading Teacher. 61/5: 396-408. Terblanche,Leezil(2002) Read-Alouds: Do They Enhance Students’ Ability to Read?.TESOL Journal. 14p. Willis,Judy(2008).Teaching the Brain to Read : Strategies for Improving Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension. Alexandria, VA, USA: Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development