Amanda M. Cyprowski
Assessment & Instruction in Reading
Mrs. Jennifer Unger
December 4, 2013
Personal Interest Survey Pages 3-5
Elementary Reading Attitude Survey Pages 6-9
Words Their Way: Primary Spelling Inventory Pages 10-13
Burns & Roe: Informal Reading Inventory
Graded Word Lists Pages 14-17
Oral Reading Passages Pages 18-23
Silent Reading Passages Pages 24-29
Listening Comprehension Passages Pages 30-34
Conclusion of Results Pages 35-36
Fountas & Pinnell: Benchmark Assessments
Oral Reading Pages 39-42
Written Retelling Pages 43-47
Results Pages 48-36
Case Study Response Pages 54-68
References Page 69
The Primary Interest Survey—a series of questions to help a teacher to become acquainted with students and inform reading/writing instruction by making it more personalized and effective—was administered to Lucy, a 7 year old second grader, on the morning of September 19, 2013. Lucy was selected by her teacher to participate in the Primary Interest Survey because she “loves to learn.” The test was administered in a quiet area just outside of the main office at a table that Lucy chose with permission from her teacher (supervised by the school’s secretary at a distance).
Before the survey began, Lucy was talkative as she walked, making comments on the art in the hallways. Lucy pointed out her friends’ pictures that were hanging on the wall outside of a classroom and spoke of their summer adventures to the swimming pool and horseback riding. Upon sitting down, she asked the administrator, “Am I going to help you?” The administrator responded by stating the purpose of the series of surveys that would be completed that day and emphasizing that they would not count towards her grade. Lucy was happy to participate and responded with “I’ll answer
References: Bear, D. R. (2012). Word Study for Beginners in the Letter Name-Alphabetic Stage. Words Their Way (5th ed., pp. 198-239). Upper Saddle River: Pearson. Burns, P.C., & Roe, B.D. (2007). Informal reading inventory (7th ed.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin. (Burns & Roe, 2007) Julie, H. (2013). 2013. Sending Messages (pp. 4-12). Tuscan: Reading A-Z. Reutzel, D. R., & Cooter, R. B. (2011).Strategies for reading assessment and instruction: helping every child succeed (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Merrill Prentice Hall.