Plot Summary:A young woman, Hester Prynne, has been found guilty of adultery and must wear a scarlet A, which she sewn beautifully, on her dress as a sign of shame. She is led from the town prison to the scaffold, where she must stand for three hours, exposed to public humiliation. Many of the women in the crowd are enraged by the subtle dignity Hester carries, as well as the seeming lenience of her punishment. Gazing out into the crowd, she notices her small, misshapen, long-lost husband, who had gone missing for two years, supposedly lost at sea. The people in the crowd, the town fathers, and the
Plot Summary:A young woman, Hester Prynne, has been found guilty of adultery and must wear a scarlet A, which she sewn beautifully, on her dress as a sign of shame. She is led from the town prison to the scaffold, where she must stand for three hours, exposed to public humiliation. Many of the women in the crowd are enraged by the subtle dignity Hester carries, as well as the seeming lenience of her punishment. Gazing out into the crowd, she notices her small, misshapen, long-lost husband, who had gone missing for two years, supposedly lost at sea. The people in the crowd, the town fathers, and the