Dungon B, Iloilo City
An Undergraduate Thesis
Presented to The Faculty of the College of Education
Central Philippine University
Iloilo City
In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Sarah Jane Ofilanda
Jirah Claire Gamarcha
Zaira Shane Castor
Mary Ann Escalona
Airyne Ballesteros
Byron Mingo
May 2012
Background and Rationale of the Study
The current issue being faced today by most educators is that during enrolment, some pupils who are promoted in Grade Three are still considered as non-readers. According to Arnold Peralta (2006), enabling the child to read in Grade 1 and 2, the primary grade is very necessary. It is in this stage that the habit of reading should be developed. If a child will not be able to read, understand what he reads and developed the habit of reading, he/she can hardly make it in the higher grades.
According to Businessdictionary.com, reading grade level means number assigned to the level of complexity of a reading material, it equates to a given level of schooling, For example, a reading grade level of seven means the reading material is intended for a seventh grade student. In the field of education, this concept is very important in determining pupils’ progress in reading. According to Juan Miguel Luz (2007), Grade Three (10 years old) is a critical year in terms of formal schooling. Before School Year 2012-2023 preschooling is neither compulsory nor part of the package of free public education guaranteed by the Constitution, Grade Three marks the third full year of basic education for children who attend public elementary school and the year when the facility to read, write, and do the four operations of arithmetic with competence is expected. (Less than 20 percent of those who go to public elementary school actually attend a full year of
References: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/reading-grade-level-RGL.html , Date retrieved: April 28, 2012 http:// indigo.ie/-sdblang/personal/papers.htm, Date retrieved: May 8, 2012 http://www.buzzle.com/articles/private-achools-vspublic-schools.html, Effects of Low Family Income on Children I eHow.com http:www. Ehow.com./list _6195251-effects-low-family income children.html #ixzzluWkeyqBZ, Date retrieved: May 9, 2012 http://onlineacamemics.org/ReadingDiagnostisis.html, Date retrieved: May 11, 2012 The Philippine Journal of Education, Arnold Peralta (2006), Volume No. LXXXV, p. 243. Christian perspectives in education, Vol. 2, No. 2 Spring 2009