The initial Article Sequences id utilized from (2016). It is about sequences, which are taught is Algebra I. In conjunction, the strategy used on this article will be that of REAP (Read, Encode, Annotate, Ponder.) In 2004, Janet Allen talks about REAP in her book titled Tools for Teaching Content Literacy. REAP a strategy used to facilitate greater comprehension in the reading of students. Steps for the students, of this process, are in the following bullet list.…
Dana Gioia offers convincing argument on the importance of reading, which has been dramatically declining for decades. In fact, an ability to read critically is fundamental for social interactions, range of thinking and even sustainability of society. To build the argument profoundly, author uses variety of facts and studies, personal anecdote and conclusions.…
In "Rhetorical Reading Strategies and the Construction of Meaning" by Christina Haas and Linda Flower, the authors tells us in reading we should have strategies. The two main strategies they elaborate through out the passage are literary theory and cognitive research. Both take a huge part while reading to have a better understanding. As Haas and Flower say "'Critical reading' involves more than careful reading for content, more than identification of conventional features of discourse, such as introduction or examples, and more than simple evaluation based on agreeing or disagreeing"(170). That's why these strategies come in place, a good reader should be able to identify the topic sentence, supporting points, and conclusion. Students lack…
The first step in critical reading is to preview the text to grasp the main ideas. Next, you annotate and analyze the supporting evidence in the text and then review the entire text once again. The process of critical reading is very closely related to critical thinking, the process of actively forming concepts based on information provided, synthesizing the concepts, and evaluating the information. The following activities will help you understand critical reading and develop your critical reading skills.…
In this chapter the active reading strategies I used was clarifying as I read I took notes so I did not get lost.”…
Anne Ketch discusses the value of conversation as a strategy for reading and writing comprehension and metacognition across subjects. Specifically, she details seven cognitive strategies which form the basis of what are essentially good reading and learning habits. These include: making connections, questioning as you read, using mental imagery as a connection to layers of a text through the evocation of senses and emotions, determining what is or is not important to the understanding of a text, inferring, retelling and synthesizing information and using fix up strategies to assist readers when meaning falls apart. These strategies should be explicitly modeled and taught by the teacher, practiced and used continuously…
In the first chapter, readers learn about the five analytical moves. There are five steps involved, which are to suspended judgement, define parts, look for patterns, make implicit explicit details, and keep reformulating questions. The readers then learn about metacognition, which means thinking about thinking. The first step is suspend judgement which means to stop judging by slowing down and re thinking what you are doing. This will open up your own mind to be more exploratory. The next move is define significant parts and how they’re related. This refers to dividing the subject into its defining parts, its main elements or ingredients. Then to consider how these parts are related. The third move is look for patterns of repetitions and contrast and for anomalies, which means looking for patterns and anomalous details. The fourth move is make the implicit explicit, meaning “to find in” and “folded out.” While drawing implications, we learn to make inferences and to paraphrase. The last move is keep reformulating questions and explanations. This move is to focus on experimenting and asking questions about specific details.…
There are diverse of reasons in which the techniques of reading like a writer improves our writing; in general, people read content just for context. Bunn insist in importance of understanding the used flow, choices, and tactics by the authors by stating, “When you read like a writer, you are trying to figure out how the text you are reading was constructed” (74). He depicts the contrast of RLW and normal reading by claiming the fact that RLW has much deeper procedure, which even helps us to have better understanding of context; moreover, he contradicts himself. At same time that he argues that for most students RLW is a brand new and tough way to apply to their reading, he also implies that “All of your previous writing experiences inside the classroom and out- can contribute to your success with RLW” (75), due to fact that students have primary knowledge of writing and knowledge about the way which author is writing; furthermore, Bunn contact a few of his previous student to describe some essential elements of RLW, he encourages them to find the author’s intentions and intended audiences for the piece of writing before start reading. He believes that readers must identify the genre of writing piece before reading, by genre he means the type of a text; also Bunn claims that having set of ready critical questions while reading can be a great help for students to improve their skills,” Eventually, after plenty of practice you will start to ask certain questions and locate certain things in the text automatically” (79). However…
After reading the article, “Reading Like a Writer”, it made me aware of my reading behaviors. Just like the text, I read to try to understand what the author is attempting to portray. However, what I am doing differently is only reading for information. What the text suggests that readers do is to ask yourself why the author used that method of writing, whether it's persuasive, ironic, or dramatic. Additionally, the author recommends that you discover who the intended audience is; this will benefit you because it makes you understand why the author used this style of writing.…
In this lesson, I focused on Jace, the second grader. I was able to hold a small group lesson in her classroom so that I could be able to assess her literacy ability first hand when it comes to critical and response perspectives. I learned of the idea of a tea party from Tompkins and decided I wanted to create a lesson that would involve this great activity (Tompkins, p. 272). The intent of the tea party was to use the critical perspective as well as the response perspective (Laureate Education, 2010). In this lesson the learners will be able to better understand the text and it should play a role in the learners’ lives in a meaningful way. The use of metacognitive strategies helps the students to think about “thinking” all through the reading process. This lesson demonstrates ways to implement the these perspective (Laureate Education, 2010).…
1. What is the purpose/goal of this assignment? Underline the key words in the assignment sheet and rubric that identify the purpose. 2. Describe the intended audience. Underline the key words in the assignment sheet and rubric that identify the audience. If no audience is indicated, how will you determine the audience for your writing? 3. Based on the purpose and audience, which of these rhetorical strategies should be used? Is the rhetorical strategy required or suggested by the instructor in the assignment sheet/rubric? Could multiple rhetorical strategies be used? Explain how. Narration Description Comparison/Contrast Classification/Division Argument/Persuasion Causal Analysis (Cause & Effect, Causal Chain) 4. How will your writing be developed? What content must be included? What are your ideas or your instructor’s requirements for supporting your thesis and/or elaborating on your topic? 5. Based on your topic, purpose and audience, how will you organize your writing? Which of the following strategies would work best? Chronological/Time order Spatial order Order of importance/Emphatic order (most to least important/least to most important) Where should the most emphasis be placed? General to specific or specific to general Abstract to Concrete Magician’s Trick (see “Simple Organization Strategies” document)…
1. Mr. Vittorini and the other survivors of the earthquake do not feel that the fact that the scientists can not predict earthquakes is the reason science betrayed them. Vittorini says he feels betrayed because the scientists knew that they live in a earthquake area and did not inform the people of the town that the buildings are not structurally secure as well as the fact the the authorities told them it was fine to go back into their homes. A great section of the article includes Picuti and Vittorini’s accounts on the matter. “I’m not crazy,” Picuti says. “I know they can’t predict earthquakes. The basis of the charges is not that they didn’t predict the earthquake. As functionaries of the state, they had certain duties imposed by law: to evaluate and characterize the risks that were present in L’Aquila.” Part of that risk assessment, he says, should have included the density of the urban population and the known fragility of many ancient buildings in the city centre. “They were obligated to evaluate the degree of risk given all these factors,” he says, “and they did not.” “This isn’t a trial against science,” insists Vittorini, who is a civil party to the suit. But he says that a persistent message from authorities of “Be calm, don’t worry”, and a lack of specific advice, deprived him and others of an opportunity to make an informed decision about what to do on the night of the earthquake. “That’s why I feel betrayed by science,” he says. “Either they didn’t know certain things, which is a problem, or they didn’t know how to communicate what they did know, which is also a problem” (Macmillan 2011).…
1. The parts of the author’s argument are related to each other because he shows different examples that are directly related causing an issue for the transformation from high school to college reading. For example, when transitioning from high school to college reading, one lacks close reading skills, fails to focus sharply, fails to imagine the otherness, and fails to have thoughts other than their own thoughts and feelings.…
It is beneficial to use a “travelling” mindset when reading. When we read we tend to sometimes skip over things or not understand what we read. If we re-read things and read closely, we will understand the text better. We could pick up on things we missed in the beginning. This process is called Close Reading. Close reading is paying close attention to the words and finding a deeper meaning which might not…
This way I am able to comprehend the materials more successful. Fostering reading comprehension and retention is another key element that takes practices and will in prove in time.…