It has never been harder for people to feel good about themselves. Ironically, we have more “things” to help us in the process—technologically advanced makeup, an abundance of expert advice about nutrition and exercise, and even drastic medical procedures such as elective cosmetic surgery. But still, many people in our society feel unattractive and unworthy.
Beauty is something that we all crave for – but what exactly is it? Beauty should not be able to be defined by the media. How can one say what beauty is? Beauty, on the outside, is different in every culture. Some may think pale skin is beautiful, or in contrast, tanned skin. Why does beautiful have to mean skinny or tall? What good comes from being a size-zero?
The truth is, real beauty is more than skin deep. You will see, in any culture around the world, a loving and caring person is always be favoured over a sour, vain person. Real beauty is seen the same way from every perspective and is not created by the media. Real beauty is what you are on the inside – how good a person you are. We should not be judged from how we look based on the idea the rich and famous people put into our heads through the media.
Too many people, especially young girls, are attacked by the self-consciousness they place upon themselves. The media gives us the wrong impression of beauty. We are all too absorbed in what we can’t have. That is, to look like those airbrushed, stick-thin models on the cover of some magazine.
Do we all have an unhealthy obsession with beauty?
Think about it. We spend almost every minute of our day consuming some form of media; watching television, surfing the Internet, reading a magazine or newspaper, listening to the radio, or just reading billboards while we’re in the car. In every form of media, we are exposed to advertisements of all sorts and