Marlowe says, “Well, you fooled him, Harry, you lied to him and you drank your cyanide like a little gentleman. You died like a poisoned rat, Harry, but you’re no rat to me” (178). Canino threatens Harry to tell him Agnes’s location; however, he deceives him and tries to get away with it by telling him a false address. Marlowe implies that Harry is willing to take risks and protect Agnes, his partner in crime, from danger. Although he dies like a rat by drinking cyanide, Marlowe sees him as an unselfish gentleman who protects his partner. Harry’s considerate thoughts of not betraying Agnes allow readers to have sympathy and to connect to the story …show more content…
Every criminal has his own story. Characters commit crimes or sacrifice themselves to help the ones they love. Also, Chandler demonstrates that being a bystander is a crime. Characters may also be blinded by money which causes them to ignore justice. The novel portrayed the corruptions in a society that are caused by people who are blinded by greed. By creating realistic characters, the novel becomes more applicable to readers of its time because they will be able to understand the plot and have a deeper connection to the world, allowing them to think about the real