In the movie, one of Cobb’s colleagues says, “The dreamer can always remember the genesis of the idea. True inspiration is impossible to fake.” Just like the people born and raised in the cave, the dreamer does not remember how they “got there” otherwise they would understand the falsities and abnormalities of the dream world. Furthermore, like the cave dwellers the dreamers are brought into an environment and tricked into believing something is real. They are presented with specific ideas that they perceive to be reality. The extractors manipulate this ‘reality’ to create situations in which it is only reasonable that the person divulge their
In the movie, one of Cobb’s colleagues says, “The dreamer can always remember the genesis of the idea. True inspiration is impossible to fake.” Just like the people born and raised in the cave, the dreamer does not remember how they “got there” otherwise they would understand the falsities and abnormalities of the dream world. Furthermore, like the cave dwellers the dreamers are brought into an environment and tricked into believing something is real. They are presented with specific ideas that they perceive to be reality. The extractors manipulate this ‘reality’ to create situations in which it is only reasonable that the person divulge their