On December 2011, the Harper Government tabled and passed the Bill C-18 as the result to end the monopoly of the Canadian Wheat Board. The CWB continues to operate as a voluntary marketing organization after August 1st 2012.
In a recent plebiscite (referendum) conducted by Meyers norris Penny, 62% of CWB farmers voted that they wanted to keep the wheat board. At this time, farmers already have the ability to market all the crops save wheat and malt barley independently, meaning it is possible to succeed marketing grain without board oversight. Why the famers still support the Canada Wheat Board? Let we discuss the reason on the following paragraphs.
First of all, the Canadian Wheat Board protects farmers’ benefit; the farmers deliver their wheat and barley to grain elevators throughout the crop year. The Board acts as a single desk marketer of wheat and barley on behalf of prairie farmers. Upon delivery to an elevator, farmers receive an initial payment for their grain from the CWB that represents a percentage of the expected return for that grade from the pool account. After the end of the crop year, July 31, an interim payment and a final payment are paid to farmers, in addition to their initial payment so they will have received 100 percent of the return from the pool for the grain they delivered. The initial payments are guaranteed by the Government of Canada so that farmers will