What is Reasoning?
a mental act whereby starting with several judgments which we relate to one another.
the process which uses arguments, statements, premises and axioms to define weather a statement is true or false, resulting in a logical or illogical reasoning.
the process of using a rational, systematic series of steps based on sound mathematical procedures and given statements to arrive at a conclusion.
the cognitive skills with which we reach sound conclusions in order to make decisions and solve our daily life problems.
In logical reasoning, an if-then statement (also known as a conditional statement) is a statement formed when one thing implies another and can be written and read as "If P then Q." A contrapositive is the conditional statement created when negating both sides of the implication and can be written and read as "If not Q, then not P." Anything that is not proven is known as a conjecture. In today’s logical reasoning three different types of reasoning can be distinguished, known as deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning and abductive reasoning based on respectively deduction, induction and abduction.
Deductive Reasoning Deductive reasoning originates from the philosophy and mathematics and is the most obvious form of reasoning. Deduction is a method for applying a general rule (major premise) in specific situations (minor premise) of which conclusions can be drawn. Example:
Major premise: All humans are mortal
Minor premise: Socrates is human
Conclusion: Socrates is mortal Immediately the obviousness and straightforwardness of the conclusion can be drawn from the premises above of the example of deductive reasoning. Notice that deductive reasoning no new information provides, it only rearranges information what is already known into a new statement or conclusion.
Inductive Reasoning Inductive Reasoning attempts to support a determination of the rule. It hypothesizes a rule after numerous examples are taken to be a conclusion that follows from a precondition in terms of such a rule.
Example: The grass got wet numerous times when it rained.
Conclusion: The grass always gets wet when it rains.
Abductive Reasoning Abductive reasoning is the third form of logical reasoning and is somewhat similar to inductive reasoning, since conclusions drawn here are based on probabilities. In abductive reasoning it is presumed that the most plausible conclusion also the correct one is. Example:
Major premise: The jar is filled with yellow marbles
Minor premise: I have a yellow marble in my hand
Conclusion: The yellow marble was taken out of the jar The abductive reasoning example clearly shows that conclusion might seem obvious, however it is purely based on the most plausible reasoning. This type of logical reasoning is mostly used within the field of science and research.
References http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_reasoning http://www.chegg.com/homework-help/definitions/logical-reasoning-63 http://www.fibonicci.com/logical-reasoning/ Santiago, Alma, Logic: The Art of Reasoning, 6th Edition © 2011
References: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_reasoning http://www.chegg.com/homework-help/definitions/logical-reasoning-63 http://www.fibonicci.com/logical-reasoning/ Santiago, Alma, Logic: The Art of Reasoning, 6th Edition © 2011