Militarism, militarism is the glorifying of one's military power. Counties were richer because of industrialization, which led to bigger and better military. They had more guns, ammunition, and more factories to produce these military materials. This caused a disquieting feeling among nations. If their rivals and competitors were building up their military they needed to as well, they had to be able to compete. This competitiveness drove many to establish militaries or reinvent them. This also led to advances in the war. This is one way that Great Britain got involved in the war. When they saw Germany building up their navy they joined the allies.(Hickman, Kennedy) Secondly, militarism had a bigger impact on Russia. Russia was lagging behind all of the europe in industrialization. They were still a rural, farming base society that lacked favourites which caused a lack of food, guns, ammunition, blankets, clothes and guns.(Hickman, Kennedy) They don't have as many factors so producing material took longer, this caused the Russian army a lot of problems. Their soldiers were cold, starving and didn't have adequate weapons to compete with the central powers.(“World History Online Textbook .”) Also, they lacked railroads. Railroads were essential to transporting troops quickly and efficiently to enemy lines or defensive positions and it also caused major problems transporting the already lack of materials. Now Russia had allies that contributed to their supplies but receiving this material was difficult. The only problem was the waterways that connected Russia to its allies were controlled by the germans and ottomans, because of this Russia struggled.(“World History Online Textbook .”) They couldn't compete with the modernized European countries which ultimately allowed them to be forced out of Germany, Austria hungry and led to Russia retreating into a
Militarism, militarism is the glorifying of one's military power. Counties were richer because of industrialization, which led to bigger and better military. They had more guns, ammunition, and more factories to produce these military materials. This caused a disquieting feeling among nations. If their rivals and competitors were building up their military they needed to as well, they had to be able to compete. This competitiveness drove many to establish militaries or reinvent them. This also led to advances in the war. This is one way that Great Britain got involved in the war. When they saw Germany building up their navy they joined the allies.(Hickman, Kennedy) Secondly, militarism had a bigger impact on Russia. Russia was lagging behind all of the europe in industrialization. They were still a rural, farming base society that lacked favourites which caused a lack of food, guns, ammunition, blankets, clothes and guns.(Hickman, Kennedy) They don't have as many factors so producing material took longer, this caused the Russian army a lot of problems. Their soldiers were cold, starving and didn't have adequate weapons to compete with the central powers.(“World History Online Textbook .”) Also, they lacked railroads. Railroads were essential to transporting troops quickly and efficiently to enemy lines or defensive positions and it also caused major problems transporting the already lack of materials. Now Russia had allies that contributed to their supplies but receiving this material was difficult. The only problem was the waterways that connected Russia to its allies were controlled by the germans and ottomans, because of this Russia struggled.(“World History Online Textbook .”) They couldn't compete with the modernized European countries which ultimately allowed them to be forced out of Germany, Austria hungry and led to Russia retreating into a