First off, why would America sign up for The Selection? One reason why America might have signed up for …show more content…
During one of his conversations with America, Maxon’s eyes are opened up about the poverty in his country. Maxon has always grown up with the necessities and anything he wanted although this is extremely different for many of the country’s population. Countless people in the country of Illéa go to bed hungry and work an extreme amount of hours everyday. I can relate to this because I have always grown up with the necessities that I have needed. I have never needed to muse about food at dinner time instead of eat it. Prince Maxon has also never experienced this type of poverty. As the novel says, “ And if it came to a point where there was absolutely nothing to eat, and you couldn’t even fall asleep at night because the sound of her stomach growling kept you awake---” (Cass 228). This quote represents a way of life that America has experienced. Maxon and I have never had to endure this type of hunger. Another aspect of poverty I have been grateful enough to not endure is to work to help support my family. My parents support our family financially while I am able to go to school and get an education. For these reasons, I feel I can connect to