Earll, C. G. (2014). Reasons to Oppose Physician-Assisted Suicide. Retrieved January 11, 2016, from Focus on the Family : https://www.focusonthefamily.com/socialissues/life- issues/physician-assisted-suicide/reasons-to-oppose-physician-assisted-suicide The biggest reason to oppose physician-assisted suicide is that there is greater chance for abuses to happen. It is basically like putting fire into a paper bag, which cannot be controlled. After the lethal prescription is given to the patient, there is no guarantee that the patient is going to use it to commit suicide or if the patient is the one who is going to administer the prescription by his or her own will. …show more content…
The Hippocratic Oath contains a clause forbidding PAD and euthanasia that states, “I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody who asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect.” This oath is taken when medical students officially become a doctor and it is mandated to follow the oath. Violating this act is destroying the foundation, which the physician was founded …show more content…
First reason is that it violates the physician’s role as healer; instead they become a Grim Reaper. Secondly, it would be difficult or impossible to control and it could pose serious societal risks. Disabled fear PAD because they can be targeted by it due to their limitations. Also, euthanasia can be extended to incompetent patients and those who are otherwise vulnerable (unconscious, under anesthesia, etc). One of the reasons that are not mentioned by AMA is the possibility of using PAD and euthanasia for financial benefit. Another reason is the abuse of involuntary euthanasia to obtain organs for transplantation. Lastly, it can destroy the trust between patients and doctors because doctors wouldn’t be penalized if euthanasia were