When you work hard to be a great teacher, your students will come out better learners. It's all about effort, both on your part and theirs. Starting with this article is an exceptional choice, but endeavor to continue learning by reading all you can. The more advice you take on, the better your results will be.…
In this book, written by Johnathan Kohl, we are given a rare and candid glimpse inside the educational system in the city of Boston in the 1960’s. As Kohl describes the treatment that minority students endured at the hands of their teachers, it becomes clear that the title of the book is an accurate depiction of the times. As we read about teachers calling students terrible names and treating minority students with contempt and disgust, it is apparent how the spirit of the students were slowly dying inside. Although this was over fifty years ago, this type of treatment still occurs everyday in schools all over the nation. Whether a child be a minority race, have a learning disability or have behavior issues, it is not uncommon for them to be treated in a way that negatively effects their self esteem, causes them to dislike school and eventually, little by little, takes away their hope. No child should be left hopeless. Everyone needs something to be proud of, whether it be one small talent they possess or just one person who believes in and respects them. It is the job of a teacher to build a child’s self-esteem and self-respect and above all, their hope for the future. Without hope, a child will not aspire or dream. There must be procedures in place to ensure that teachers know what is and isn’t acceptable in terms of interacting with children. I have experienced this first hand in my personal life. My son has Asperger’s syndrome. He can be difficult to handle. Because he misreads social cues he wold often misunderstand what his teachers were asking him and answer incorrectly. He repeatedly told me that his teacher yelled at him and didn’t like him. He wouldn’t even tell them when he was sick because he didn’t want to make them angry. One of his teachers screamed at him so loud at the end of the school day that he was literally shaking when he arrived home. I understood their frustration but I didn’t…
Like the attributes of Dr. Warren Warwick, director of Fairview University Children’s Hospital, an exemplary teacher has a strong commitment to their work and students. This level of professionalism extends outside of the classroom, devoting personal time and energy…
In her skillfully written narrative, Eaton delves into the complex reasons hindering equal access to a quality education for the nation's children, a problem with a long and messy history. Beginning with Brown v. Board of Education in 1954, the U.S. courts were, for a few decades at least, a place where civil rights made noteworthy gains. But in many places the attempts at desegregation were never really established, and by the '80s, what had been accomplished was quickly being lost. The reasons for today's education faults are, for many, almost undetectable. The author presents a fascinating group of kids from an inner-city school in Hartford, Connecticut, who struggle to learn in a characteristically disheartened and under-funded urban public school.…
When it comes to a child’s education in today’s society race does have an influence on one’s educational experience. There is an inequality that is faced by minorities in the struggle to success. In the article by Motoko Rich from the New York Times called “School Data Finds Pattern of Inequality along Racial Lines” it compares different races and their achievement in school. In a study it stated that a quarter of high schools with the highest percentage of minorities such as, black and Latino students do not offer any Algebra II courses, and more than a third do not have any chemistry classes.” Whites have a full range of courses offered while minorities from low-income neighborhoods do not have these courses available. The studies also found that more than 70 percent of white students attend schools that have a full range of math and science courses and are well-rounded. For minorities, this does not expand their education. The article also mentions that minorities that attend these types of schools also have teachers who do not meet the teaching requirements. The lacks of all of these services does put a strain on our children’s education when it comes to being a minority.…
As teacher’s we are committing to a life time of learning and development of ourselves and our learners.…
“We have moved from a society in the 1950s and 1960s, in which race was more consequential than family income, to one today in which family income appears more determinative of educational success than race” (Tavernise, 2012). The gap is so very significant that many Americans are worried and are speaking up in order to get attention to this growing issue. With these education budget cuts, some states cannot find the economical resources to support all local community school therefore hiring teachers that have a lower level of training or fresh out of college. “Economically disadvantaged schools tend to pay teachers less, resulting in many of their teachers leaving for better-paying jobs elsewhere after a few years. Therefore, these schools tend to have more inexperienced teachers than those in wealthier districts…
Lucinda Rosenfeld is the mother of a kindergarten aged child attending P.S. 261 in Boerum Hill Brooklyn. Rosenfeld states “P.S. 261 in one of a minority of Brooklyn primary schools that manages to be truly diverse –racially, ethnically, and economically. While thirty five percent of the student body qualifies for free lunch it also attract and retains children from professional families of all races and creeds, who work in law, media and the arts.” (Rosenfield, 2012). This statement shows a sense of great pride in her community and how much she wants it to remain the same. All of that changes though one day when an advocate for the Success Academy charter school appears during dismissal and hands out pamphlets with the intent of enlisting the attention of anyone that would listen to leave the public school for the new charter school. This went on for several days until many of the staff and parents confronted the charter school advocate in front of the school yard and asked him to leave. The big question is “Why?” now. Was this the future of the New York…
I will display this mission statement on my locker door, next to my desk so I will have an easy access to it, especially during times when I may become frustrated and feel like giving up on a student who may be failing my class and do not seem to care. It will remind me that my purpose is to serve and motivate others to reach their full potential. As Lee Canter explained in the video ‘ The Power of belief ‘, a high performing teacher never gives up because “they believe that all children can succeed”(Laureate Education, 2010). It is this kind of teacher who can make a difference in the lives of the…
Before reading the book “Savage Inequalities” by Jonathan Kozol, I was highly unaware of how poor and neglected some schools are in America. I thought that every school in America had a great educational system and educators, but clearly I was mistaken. I knew that every school in America was not equal; there were obviously some schools that were better than others. However, upon reading “Savage Inequalities” I discovered that it was far worse than I actually knew. The book exposed me to racism/inequality in the educational system, and at some points I had no words for such disgust and mistreatment.…
In addition to my enthusiasm for investing in young lives, I have done some volunteering as a teaching assistant to get some hands-on classroom experience for formal teaching. My experience at the school allowed me to acquire a number of skills and also help enhance my weaker ones. The key skills and strength that I possess for success include my enthusiasm and dedication to my assigned duties and my ability to support and inspire young people through being a good listener to them and offering appropriate advice. I am also highly skilled in assisting the instructor in supervision of students’ arrival and departure time, performing clerical and record keeping tasks and maintaining discipline of the classroom in the absence of the instructor. One of my greatest strengths is helping maintain a well-disciplined learning environment, with minimal interruptions and maximum productivity. This is achieved by pulling misbehaving students aside, reinforcing positive behaviour, and implementing a reward system.…
When reading Still Separate, Still Unequal, Kozol’s argument indicates that students of the minority basically are limited in what they can achieve from a very young age. He discusses the issue of “money” and how wealthy white individuals are able to educate their toddlers in very extensive programs before they even enter kindergarten at the age of five. By the time the students are expected to take standardized tests in 3rdgrade, these white students have had far more education than minority students who are expected to take the same standard exams. He goes on to say that money IS an important object within education because it makes the difference of whether or not a parent can afford to send their child to a private school that costs $30,000 a year, or an inner city urban school down the street. I believe that examples like these regarding money that Kozol gave in his article are what primarily begins the “segregated education” years in a child’s life. From there, he argues that inner city school districts are limiting minority students’ achievements rather than encouraging them to succeed.…
In an excerpt from his book titled, “The Shame of the Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America,” Joseph Kozol illustrates a grim reality about the unequal attention given to urban and suburban schools. Through a visit to Fremont High School in the spring of 2003, Kozol makes the claim that schools in poverty-stricken areas seem to do worse than schools in high-class areas.…
To many, race is political. It’s something to re-blog or debate in Facebook comments. The sad truth, though, is that race is still an enormous issue in our society. Race is a part of our identity, and whether or not we are aware, it affects each and every one of us. Racial issues are particularly important in education because schools and teachers play a significant role in the socialization of children. In the field of education, a person’s race can play a bigger role than they may realize. Disparities in the field of education amongst lower-income school districts are particularly commonplace.…
In order to be an outstanding teacher, one must have multiple qualities and a certain demeanor. An outstanding teacher must first have a personality that is opened to change and continuous learning. The field of education is ever developing to meet the needs of a diverse population. Therefore, teachers must be prepared to adapt and seek out professional development opportunities in order to meet the needs of all learners. An outstanding teacher must also be willing to commit to working beyond the walls of their own classroom. Teaching is a profession that requires a career presence beyond the traditional forty hour work week. Once an individual has taken on this role, they must be prepared to assist their students by providing extra instructional time, developing and preparing lessons that encourage students to reach their full potential as well as participate in extracurricular activities that build both a sense of community…