As you said before during lectures, African Americans make up about thirteen percent of the population, but they make up about sixty percent of the population in prison. These startling statistics are due to socialization. The book’s …show more content…
The book says social structures are a preconceived framework of understanding in which social interaction occurs and influences human behavior in predictable ways. Social structures affect race because the people at the bottom of social structures are slaves and servants. Ever since the beginning of time, people who looked different than the majority of people; African Americans, Asians, and Native American, were the people that were treated unfairly. Whether they were sold into slavery and put to work , or were slaughtered and kicked out of their own land they were treated terribly when they did not deserve it at all. Now, in this day and age, kids are being taught about what happened to these different races in their history class, and it influences their behavior towards people that look different, because if their ancestors did it than their must have been a reason for it. Although, the only reason for it was that white people wanted all the power so they put themselves at the top of the social structures, and that is why race continues to stay around