The Roman Empire had started off in Italy, small at that time they had a treaty with the neighboring to them to help grow Rome. Slowly over time the Romans had take over much of Europe and North Africa, they had a variety of peoples and cultures.
The Romans had high views and regards of the greeks, they had incorporated many things the Greeks had done to maintain their empire. Unlike the greeks, they had learned from the greeks that “ethnic division often …show more content…
caused resentment that led to war.” An example of this being the wide array and distinct military groups the Romans held and the different emperors who gained power not necessarily having to be Italian .
The Roman Empire along the time of AD 98 to 117 was in it’s Golden Age.
There were about four rulers during this era Trajan,Hadrian,Marcus Aurelius, and Antoninus Pius. During this era many religions were celebrated together and often weren’t limited. Hadrian had “banned the ritual procedure required for the male infant under Jewish law; however , after his death they could follow their religion through and through. The Roman empires “religious tolerance is not surprising.Like the Persians, the Romans were polytheists and believed that different peoples would naturally worship different gods.” Through this method and thought process many people in the Roman Empire had lived in
The collapse of the Roman Empire until this day completely unknown, but Religious persecution and Ethnic bigotry was a known cause of the fall of the Roman Empire. Attacks on the monotheistic religions Christianity and Judaism led to many bloody battles with both sides weakening however the Roman Empire had already been weakened possibly from “Imperial Overstretch, economic crisis, barbarian invasion.” All of these things were in control when the Roman empire had “ was willing to absorb the traditions,knowledge, and practices of other peoples.” Yet, they derived from this thought process and began to enforce their might like tyrants which led to the Roman Empire's demise. The Roman Empire had greatly underrated the Germanic tribes and considered them barbarians. In conclusion according to Amy Chua the Roman Empire and prospered for so long due to their tolerance. Once the Roman Empire became intolerant of other religions and tried to force a homogeneous religion on them the Roman Empire was never the same again. The Romans had offered citizenship to conquered regions, and even let the leaders of that area still rule keeping rebellion low. They had kept up from discriminating other ethnic groups preventing war and hate; which the greeks hadn’t followed. Finally, the Roman empire had been tolerant of religions which kept certain religious group from forming a rebel army.