I have taken out student loans to ease my financial burden, but I do not want to keep increasing the amount of debt I am in. Due to my financial situation I will have to cut back on my class load and push back my graduation date and obtain a new job and more hours with less flexibility to attend classes. Being awarded a scholarship would
lessen the stress I am under, and work less hours at one of my jobs so I could focus more of my energy on my studies.
I am very proud of all that I have accomplished as a student at Gateway, and my goal is to obtain as much knowledge as possible in my chosen field of Horticulture. I would like to dual enroll in the other Horticulture programs as well to make myself a highly desirable new hire to my future employer upon graduation. Being awarded a scholarship would enable me to continue pursuing academic excellence and achieve my goals of providing a better life for my family and being in a situation where I could give back to my community.