Topic: Thanksgiving
Date: 10-11-2011
Thanksgiving Day is a holiday celebrated primarily in the USA and Canada. Thanksgiving is celebrated each year on the second Monday of October in Canada and on the fourth Thursday of November in the USA. Thanksgiving in Canada falls on the same day as Columbus Day in the USA. The first thanksgiving was in 1621 in United States, it was at Plymouth city in the present day Massachusetts. Also there are events about an earlier harvest day celebration on the continent by Spanish and the feast and thanksgiving in this year was promoted with good harvest. The people didn’t achieve the good quantity of harvest so they start to pray and talk with some of the civil leaders who change the thanksgiving and fast in 1623. Today thanksgiving changed and become more update with our developed life. In the day before the event, children make special thing at school, people make special clothes for parade and lorries decorated with figures for example: Balloons in shapes of animals and cartoons characters. One the day of the celebration the lorries driven through streets, special sports events happen e.g. , US Football ,tennis. At the evening everyone gives thanks for heath, food, well, friends, neighbours before eating the family dinner which is turkey, pot roasts and pumpkin pie. Finally, Thanksgiving Day is not only a religious day but also a day which is make the people and families more closely to themselves and in the same time to the God with also enjoying times.