Affecting the delinquency, Discipline is another interrelated part of family relationship. Studies show that the Disturbed family relations play a very vital role in the rising delinquent nature of children. Sheldon and Glueck found that “4.1 percent of fathers were found to use sound discipline practices; 26.7 percent, fair; and 69.3 percent, unsound.” In order to internalize the controls adequately into a child’s personality it needs Consistency and persistence in discipline. To enable a child…
Baumrind (1967) suggests that the majority of parents display one of three different parenting styles. Authoritarian is the first style of parenting considered by Baumrind. This is where the parent uses strict discipline and leaves no opportunity for the child to negotiate. An example of a phrase used by an authoritarian parent may be “No you can not”, however, this may lead to the child rebelling at some point, therefore making it hard to impose rules. Permissive, The second parenting style, relies on imposing few rules or boundaries, the impact of which may be both negative and positive. The positive impact of this approach is that it may lead to better social skills. Alternatively the negative impact may be that the child could lack personal responsibility. To paraphrase, an example a parent may use with this parenting style may be “Well if you do not feel like it”, however, Baumrind contests that if a child’s behavior needs to be altered it may be difficult to do so with this parenting style. The third parenting style considered by Baumrind is authoritative. This is where the parents set clear standards and no punitive punishments.…
In the end a child’s actions is based on how they were brought up from beginning of life, by teaching them right from wrong, good and bad. Always know that in good teaching good deeds will be rewarded but on the other side of the token when bad actions take place consequences will be given in different ways. Permissive and Authoritative Parenting are opposites but in the end have the same consequences towards the end but in desperate needs they will result back to what they were…
* His outlook on the massacre is more freeing. He thinks the men who started it cannot be helped so why bother to try.…
Freedom is something that has been rebelled against for many, many years. This is a recurring motif in the short story "Dancing Bear" by Guy Vanderhaeghe. Rebellion for the sake of freedom is worth everything, even death. Dieter Bethge rebels against the rules of Mrs Hax, his own ill body, and his mind.…
According to the article, Parenting: Teens and Dating, “If you're too oppressive and restrictive, you are guaranteeing rebellion.” Many times, this is the case. Nevertheless, children need more rules to guide them during their teenage years when their decisions may be impulsive and immature. If a child rebels, then the parent will just have the power to discipline them and guide to make better choices in the…
At this point, my parents with their individual viewpoint started to have variance on me adapting to the new environment. Having different perspective towards society's operation caused tension within our family. Now the question arises," Don't parents realize that too much parental control halts child's personal growth?" Such type of parenting style is referred to as authoritarian. "Authoritarian parents utilize strict and harsh child rearing techniques with an absolute set of standards to which children must conform while permissive parents provide too few rules, boundaries, or restrictions for their children" (Chong, et al 1). Parents must not adopt authoritarian parenting style as it contributes to such behavior which is never welcomed by them when presented and further leads to tension within the family. This parenting style develops such consequences which leave kids down with psychological and personality disorders, consisting problems like fear of failing at each step of life, withdrawing oneself from socializing and turning out to be authoritarian towards parents as an…
Diana Baurind conducted a study in the 1960s which identified the three mains parenting styles; Authoritarian, Permissive and Authoritative. The Authoritarian parenting style is best describes as demanding, strict and almost harsh. An authoritarian parent wants complete obedience from their child. One the other end of the spectrum, there is the permissive parenting style in which the parents are submissive to their children’s desires and use little punishment (189). In the middle of these two parenting style is the middle ground; Authoritative. An authoritative parent finds the balance between the two extreme parenting styles through control with explanation and openness to different ideas.…
Unlike other parenting styles, authoritative parents have both demanding and responsive criterium (Alegre 2011, p. 57). Authoritative parenting style involves two theories: "behavior control" and “acceptance" (Steinberg et al. 1989, p. 1525). According to Steinberg, behavioral control is defined as a control which limits and monitors their children’s behavior and actions. Steinberg also described that acceptance is a state where children accept the rules that were imposed on them because they understand and accept the reason why the rules were set. In other words, authoritative parents do not only enforce rules, but they also explain the basis and reasons why the rules and regulations need to be obeyed. As a result, children who go through this style of parenting and teaching develop more positive attitudes than their peers because they are treated warmly, democratically and firmly, which consequently affects their academic performance (Steinberg et al. 1989, p.…
There were many causes and consequences of the rebellions of 1837. There was so much wrong with Canada at the time socially, politically, and economically. There were long-term and short-term problems between the French and British in lower and upper Canada at the time. The British ruling a country with a majority of the population being French, a rebellion was bound to happen. These are the main causes of the rebellion and the consequences.…
In my study of the guidance approach, I have learned to change my thinking of misbehavior. Before I thought if it wasn’t good behavior it must be misbehavior but with children it may be mistaken behavior. If children's behavior should be given a name, it should be considered Mistaken Behavior. The term misbehavior should be considered something adults do. Adults are supposed to know better, when they do something that is considered inappropriate. Children on the other hand do not know better, although we expect them to know better when they reach a certain age. “Traditional discipline punishes children for having problems they cannot solve, while guidance teaches children to solve their problems in socially acceptable ways (Gartrell, 2003)”.…
Most people agree that children need discipline in their lives but the line between what is appropriate and what is not has been blurred. Both extreme and permissive parents believe that their style of parenting is what is best for a child’s personal growth. An extreme parent is very involved with their child’s life and often makes all of their decisions for them. These parents will use harsh…
• Authoritarian Parenting: This type of parenting, children are expected to follow strict rules established by the parents. Authoritarian parents fail to explain the reason behind the set rules. Failure to follow these rules results in punishment. If the child asks to explain,…
Authoritative parents are attentive to their children’s needs and concerns, and will typically forgive and teach instead of punishing if a child falls short. Parents, who use authoritative style when raising their children, have strong and caring limits for them. This style has many benefits for children. In a study done by European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in 2012, they found that “children whose parents had an authoritative style of parenting reported the best behavioral and psychological outcomes. Overall, our data supports a negative association between authoritative parenting style and adolescent mood problems.” When an authoritative parent disciplines their child they do it in a way to where the child can learn and can progress independence. For example, parents would say “Please stop jumping on the bed because you might fall and get hurt.” They discipline but are also willing to hear the children’s opinion and have discussions about it. This style of parenting helps children grow up learning how to negotiate, listen to people, be responsible, independent and effectively share their thoughts about different things. These are great skills to learn because they can and will help you in the long run. It’s common for them to have excellent social skills and respect their peers. They also gain a sense of confidence, are optimistic, patient and have a higher self-esteem because of the nurturing and positive environment they grow up in. People, who are excellent at negotiating, are optimistic, fun to be around and who are confident seem to become more successful in the business world. In the short play “Asteroid Belt” written by Lauren Feldman, you get a sense that the parents raised their…
Rebellion and disobedience has worked for people to get the results that they have wanted. Oscar Wilde believes that disobedience gives you progress and that it is proven because history have proven it for us.…