The film 1984 based on the book by George Orwell, describes a totalitarian and dystopian regime, complete with too many laws and rules, and a government who surveil your every move. The people live in fear and ignorance, but do not know any better. Do we live in a dystopian society today? What is similar with 1984 and what is not? Is there a government in the world that is more similar than others?…
Furthermore proving this idea is when Winston and Julia are having sex. Winston says this to the readers “No emotion was was pure, because everything was mixed up with fear had hatred. Their embrace had been a battle, the climax a victory. It was a blow struck against the Party. It was a political act,” (Orwell 126) This explain Winston’s idea of sex that it’s simply a superficial way to get revenge against the party not to love. But some people might say Winston truly did love Julia, if so why did Winston betrayal Julia, when facing rats that were attach to him. This is proving the idea that all rebellion could always be…
Rebellion can be a versatile and fluid concept, taking the form of the resentful or the oppressed. 1984 explores rebellion for the purpose of Orwell’s anti-despotic political statement. His depiction of a future totalitarian government is a frightening vision, utilizing the protagonist as a quasi-hero. Textually comparative to other strong rebellious character depictions of the hero that sacrifices…
1984 is a cautionary tale. Argue whether or not we, as a society, have taken his cautions into account. Offer concrete, cited, examples from today’s world and from the text.…
ehavior is confusing and backwards to The Savage, another main character, who has lived his life on the outskirts of a quite different society. Familial relationships are also incomprehensible to him, as he has an extremely close relationship with his mother. The result of total promiscuity within society is that sex becomes meaningless. It is an act that holds no other significance than fulfilling a need, similar to drinking and eating.…
I have always been fascinated with Adolf Hitler and World War II. It seems that throughout my education and lifetime, the topic of how Hitler’s Germany almost ruled the entire world was constantly mentioned in conversations, books, movies, or television programs. After reading George Orwell’s “1984" I saw that there were big similarities between the town of Oceiana and Nazi Germany. Both types of government were extremely similar; in 1984as well as in Nazi Germany, they killed and vaporized people with no remorse and had no respect for humanity. Therefore, when I read the quote, “it is impossible to found a civilization on fear and hatred and cruelty. It would never endure,” I immediately thought of Nazi Germany. Hitler’s evil drive for success clearly proved this quote to be true and shows that hatred and fear can’t in fact create a stable civilization.…
Rebellion against higher authority has a big influence on the thoughts and actions of the two main characters in George Orwell's novel, “Nineteen Eighty-Four”. The main characters, Winston and Julia, both get pleasure in rebelling because of the harsh oppression that their government institutes. Winston and Julia both rebel, but to different extents. Winston risks everything in his life while rebelling, because he is desperate to know why the government, also known as 'The Party', has executed such power over their town of Oceania. Julia, on the other hand, rebels only to gain pleasure, live in the moment, and have freedom from The Party.…
When a government has full control of their people, a slew of rules will follow that may inspire political upheaval if those being control are not in favor of the rules. Many things inspire rebellion, though many back down in the face of adversity, do not gain enough of a following, or are not meticulous enough when it comes to planning to rebel. In 1984, a totalitarian government controls everything in a nation named Oceania. With the public constantly being monitored 24/7, they must show full allegiance to this nation and must not even think a bad thought towards it. Physical activity is forced, food is rationed by the government, and all citizens…
In this novel Nineteen Eighty-Four many people go against the higher powers that control them. The following paragraphs will show how the main characters, Winston and Julia show rebellion towards The Party and Big Brother, from committing crimes of showing faith in themselfs, to even believing in a organization called The Brother Hood that holds no real proof of existing, to even making bold decisions that could carry the two to death.…
George Washington once said, “Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.” George Orwell’s satirical novel 1984 is based on the life of Party member Winston Smith, a free thinker, and his battle to restore humanity that has been snatched from the residents of Oceani0a since the totalitarian rule of Big Brother. V for Vendetta, a satirical film directed by James McTeigue, revolves around the actions of an antihero named V and his struggles to re-establish humanity in individuals by rebelling against the government’s rule. In both satires, 1984 and V for Vendetta the concept of humanity is exaggerated in the Party’s struggles for power and ridiculed in the influence of the proles, whilst the concept of the oppressive rule of the government is criticized in the relationships between the main characters.…
War is peace, Freedom is slavery, Ignorance is strength. These three phrases may contradict everything that you know and have been taught, but in the “negative utopia” of George Orwell’s novel 1984 these are the slogans of the Party and of Big Brother which governs Oceania (modern day England). This society suppresses all free thinking, free enterprise, and all other freedoms. George Orwell predicts that the world will come to this if someone does not stand up to the dominant society. This someone is Winston Smith, the thoughts and actions of Winston in 1984 place him against the Party, their views, and Big Brother.…
In times of suppression or tragedy, the ability to fight back and recover is stronger than any tyrannous force. People are naturally strong in spirit, and it is in our genes to fight back. Throughout history, many groups of people have fought back against an overarching power. From the Pilgrims to the Black Lives Matter movement, mankind has long demonstrated its unbreakability. In order to really understand the resiliency of the human spirit, one can look at works of literature from numerous time periods. Authors have long utilized the idea of a person’s strength to combat suppression and promote hope for a better tomorrow. An example of an author who accomplishes this feat is George Orwell. In his novel, 1984, Orwell undoubtedly warns society of future tyranny. However, a more overlooked aspect of this novel is Orwell’s indisputable use of Winston and Julia’s grit to leave the reader with hope for the future of humanity. Whether one looks at Julia and Winston as a pair, or as individuals, it…
“V for Vendetta” and “1984” have very similar plots and set ups but they also have very important differences. Both the film and the book are based on totalitarian societies in which the government attempts to control as much of the peoples lives as possible. Also in both the book and film the protagonists realize that they are being manipulated and that they no longer want to live this way. One of the important differences though is in the set up. The book is set in 1984 while the movie is set sometime in the future meaning more technology and new challenges.…
You're being watched all the time by someone else, they see what you do and they hear what you say. These people are the ones who deserve to be behind bars for violating the rights of American citizens. Ever since 9/11 the government has been going insane with all this terrorist acts that have been happening ever since and because of that, us have to pay the price and give up our rights of privacy and let the government watch us and hack our phones, computers and other electronic devices. And the main point of this paper that i'm writing is to inform American citizens like you that are not that inform of what our government does behind you. I will be integrating some sentences of a book called 1984 that relates to what's happening right now.…
In the book Nineteen Eighty-Four the government is corrupted, people are being taken every day by the though police because people have thoughts about going against the government or writing in a journal about the government. In the film “V for Vendetta” the government is also corrupted. In the film V for Vendetta and the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four have a lot of similarities. Both the novel and the film are dystopias. In Nineteen Eighty-Four people are controlled by people of the inner party and a totalitarian government. The film V for Vendetta people are controlled by a totalitarian Government as well. Though Nineteen Eighty-Four and V for Vendetta were written over 50 years, apart they both send a message that rebellion is worth sacrificing everything.…