
Rebellion Of The Thirteen Colonies In The Early 1600s

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Rebellion Of The Thirteen Colonies In The Early 1600s
In the early 1600s England established its’ first colony in the New World with one hundred men and three boats at the mouth of the Chesapeake River it was called Jamestown. Soon after many more colonists would arrive to the New World seeking religious freedom, freedom from persecution, land, economic prosperity, or to work off debt. Nonetheless, people saw the New World as new opportunities and to leave a life to start a new one. As British colonies grew and created their own culture, policies, and life style England began to lose its’ control over them. Because the majority of the settlers left England seeking freedom they were disturbed to receive outlandish laws enforced by England on the colonies, like paying for war they were not a part of or being hostess to British soldiers. The colonies protested when the …show more content…
The development of the rebellion of the thirteen colonies was the beginning to a new struggling nation -- not wanting to repeat the past -- would have to face many decisions that would affect its’ future. The start of the rebellion of the thirteen colonies came when the French and Indian War ended in 1763. The cost of the war had greatly enlarged Britain's debt. Moreover, the war generated resentment towards the colonists among English leaders, who were not satisfied with the financial help they had received from the colonists during the war. The majority of the war took part in North America implying that an abundance of the military personnel were colonists, who had nothing to do with the start of the war. With England in debt and in need of money and wanting to give the crown more control over the government of the colonies they forced acts

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