2. Throughout the article, Sass uses the word “we” referring to all whites so he shows that he is a white person. He then identifies himself as a southerner from South Carolina when trying to relate by saying how he has known many blacks well and how sure he is that white Carolinians have almost no hatred towards blacks. By writing the article Sass shows the position of opposing racial integration in public schools.
3. The first quote I will rebut is “it is the deep conviction of nearly all white Southerners…that the mingling or integration of white and Negro children in the South’s primary schools would open the gates to miscegenation and widespread racial amalgamation”. Sass uses a generalization attempting to speak for all whites and pointing out a conviction that couldn’t possibly be true to all whites.
The second quote I will rebut is “…the Negroes of the U.S.A. are today by far the most fortunate members of their race to be found anywhere on earth”. Sass states a false claim because blacks were anything but fortunate during periods such as slavery, lynching’s, and the Jim Crow laws.
The third quote I will rebut is “Not prejudice but preference is the word that the truth requires”. Sass manipulates and mischaracterizes the word prejudice to make it sound better and change its meaning to sound more suitable and less harsh.
4. The amalgamation of races should be accepted and welcomed by everyone. The possibility of mixed races should not separate schools based on a mixed population