Introduction - Tourism industry is very old industry in the world and plays major role to increase revenues of country. Economy of some countries largely depends on tourism. Along with being significant contributor to GDP and foreign exchange, tourism also provides widespread employment. Tourism is backbone of hospitality, aviation & transportation industry.
Tourism has unique characteristics that differentiate it from other industries which have their own distinct products or services. Like other fields, tourism involves both goods and services, but the service component is relatively high.
Tourism has been a major social phenomenon of the societies all along. It is motivated by the natural urge of every human being for new experience, adventure, education and entertainment. The motivations for tourism also include social, religious and business interests. The spread of education has fostered a desire to know more about different parts of the globe. The basic human thirst for new experience and knowledge has become stronger, as communication barriers are getting overcome by technological advances. Progress in air transport and development of tourist facilities have encouraged people to venture out to the foreign lands. Tourism’s importance, as an instrument for economic development and employment generation, particularly in remote and backward areas, has been well recognized the world over. It is the largest service industry globally in terms of gross revenue as well as foreign exchange earnings. Tourism can play an important and effective role in achieving the growth with equity objectives which India has set for itself. Tourism is one economic sector in India that has the potential to grow at a high rate and