Internal controls are vital to any company’s business and financial sustainability. Internal controls consist of measures taken by a company safeguarding against fraud, and theft. Internal controls ensure accuracy and reliability in accounting data, and secure policies within the organization. Further, internal controls evaluate all levels of performance. These are addressed with five principles of internal control: Establishment of responsibility, Segregation of duties, Documentation procedures, Physical controls, Independent internal verification, and Human resource controls.…
| The customers would be influenced because if the company are financially struggling the customers are there only hope to stay profiting. If the company was to go bust it means customers will no longer be able to shop there. The customers would be an external stakeholder, they can get information by advertisements and even check their annual report on the businesses website.…
We have learned the basic internal control procedure. Our company believes the current procedures are very basic and need to address other issues for the company. These items will build and over all currently to run a check and balance system for the accounting system to work. First, there needs to be more detail in separation of duties. Separation of duties is “structures work assignment so that one employee’s work activities serve as a check on those of another employee” (Bagranoff, 2008).Within the bank reconciliation procedure, once the manager has made a deposit to the bank they should add all the checks and cash to balance out their daily activity. This report should be sending with the cash courier and reviewed an accounting clerk daily. This will help with catching errors immediately whether then waiting on the bank. Second this statement needs to be address, “One employee has responsibility for the daily and monthly bank reconciliations. Additional duties performed by the employee include backup functions for accounts payable and payroll when the employee is not available to perform their responsibilities” (Kudler’s Intranet). This one employee should be an assistant manager and they should…
Internal Control - Integrated Framework Executive Summary Senior executives have long sought ways to better control the enterprises they run. Internal controls are put in place to keep the company on course toward profitability goals and achievement of its mission, and to minimize surprises along the way. They enable management to deal with rapidly changing economic and competitive environments, shifting customer demands and priorities, and restructuring for future growth. Internal controls promote efficiency, reduce risk of asset loss, and help ensure the reliability of financial statements and compliance with laws and regulations. Because internal control serves many important purposes, there are increasing calls for better internal control systems and report cards on them. Internal control is looked upon more and more as a solution to a variety of potential problems. Internal Control Internal control means different things to different people. This causes confusion among businesspeople, legislators, regulators and others. Resulting miscommunication and different expectations cause problems within an enterprise. Problems are compounded when the term, if not clearly defined, is written into law, regulation or rule. This report deals with the needs and expectations of management and others. It defines and describes internal control to: 1. Establish a common definition serving the needs of different parties. 2. Provide a standard against which business and other entities--large or small, in the public or private sector, for profit or not--can assess their control systems and determine how to improve them. Internal control is broadly defined as a process, effected by an entity's board of directors, management and other personnel, designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives in the following categories: 1. Effectiveness and efficiency of operations. 2. Reliability of financial reporting. 3. Compliance with applicable laws and…
I’ve attached a Sales internal control questionnaire from another engagement that I think you can use for Apollo. You may want to talk to Karina Ramirez to get answers to the questions.…
Are sales of the following types controlled by the same procedures described below? Sales to employees, COD sales, disposals of property, cash sales, and scrap sales.…
Internal controls for cash is essential to ensure that transactions are properly recorded, fraud risk is managed, and management have given the proper authorization for the cash transactions. Internal control objectives also include employees understanding their responsibility and accountability within the company. Each of these controls will allow the company to mitigate any losses. The following are recommended internal cash controls:…
Internal control is a business process for assuring achievement of an organization’s objectives. Firstly, internal control plays an important role in safeguarding the organization’s assets. With carefully examination and monitor, internal control is able to discover any anomalies inside the organization, such as inventory spoilage. Moreover, internal control can help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of business processes. For example, through internal control in a manufacturing company, the manager can explore some non-value added activities. Eliminating non-value adding activities can save significant organization’s resources for better development. Additionally, internal controls prevent and detect fraud happen in the organization. Employees will less likely to perform misconduct since the rigorous internal control will find out who is conducting harmful behaviors. Furthermore, internal control improve the completeness and accuracy of accounting record, thus improves the reliability of the accounting information. This can be achieved by rigid internal audit. Lastly, internal audit can ensure that preparation of financial information on timely basis.…
Internal controls are all measures taken by an organization for the purposes of protecting its resources against waste, fraud, or inefficient use; ensuring the reliability of accounting data; securing compliance with management policies; and evaluating the performance of all employees, managers and departments within the organization. The accounting system depends upon internal control procedures to ensure the reliability of accounting data. Many internal control procedures on the other hand make use of accounting data in keeping track of assets and monitoring the performance of departments. Internal control is looked upon more and more as a solution to a variety of potential problems. The effectiveness and efficiency of operations as a technique relates to performance and profitability goals and safeguarding of resources.…
Ethics plays a huge role in business as it keeps businesses and employees honest, promotes accuracy, and protects those who could otherwise be hurt by someone else’s scheming. In order to protect ethics, sometimes transparency is needed to help those tempted to commit fraudulent acts. The Bible states, “Better is the poor that walketh in his integrity, than he that is perverse in his lips, and is a fool” (Proverbs 19:1). The…
The following are functions that should be separated to maintain internal control in a purchasing system: custody of goods, authority to initiate a transaction, bookkeeping, and periodic physical counts of inventory and fixed assets.…
Internal controls are an essential asset to any company that wishes to maintain their company’s security and accuracy. These controls help to protect the assets belonging to a company from unforeseen events such as employee theft, robbery, or any sort of unauthorized use (Weygandt, Kimmel, & Kieso, 2008). They also create the opportunity for accounting records to be more accurate and reliable by limiting the possibility for errors and irregularities (Weygandt, Kimmel, & Kieso, 2008). An independent internal verification that is provided via internal controls maximizes the benefits of this system (Weygandt, Kimmel, & Kieso, 2008). There should be physical, mechanical, and electronic controls so that when jobs are segregated, there are more than one opportunities for a final verification of accuracy (Weygandt, Kimmel, & Kieso, 2008).…
Control Systems – This is the way the organisation is controlled. Which include financial systems, quality systems, and rewards. The managers…
Financial institutions should implemented the following internal control procedures. The first one is Risk Assessment, which means financial institutions’ management should identifies, analyzes, and manages risks that can affect the company. The second one is Control Environment, this procedure require management of the institutions attitude toward, awareness of, and actions concerning the internal control structure to in order to reduce the fraud and error. The third one is Control Activities, which means that institutions’ management should enact specific policies and procedures to achieve the management objectives. What’s more, they should take necessary procedures to target the risks. The forth step is information and communications. Institutions should gather all necessary information to carry out internal controls. Providing, sharing and obtaining information is also very important, which is called communication. The last step is Monitoring. Which is an ongoing process to evaluate controls and determine whether all the operations are as intended. They changed when operating conditions change.…
By analysing the case of control over cash, you should recognize the potential risk of poor internal control and make suggestions about how to reduce the risk of fraud and increase the risk of detection within a business context.…