Dental Patient Record Management System for College of Dentistry of Lyceum-Northwestern University
Background of the Study In today’s modern age where computer has become a way of life, it is evident that a majority of the country’s institutions still do not adapt the best and latest computer in the market. Particularly in the dental field, most of the dental facilities are still using paper sheets to record the information of a patient or a client. Most of the modern dental facilities are now operating with at great pace striving to serve as many patients as possible with the best of their abilities. But as the years goes by, the number of patients has grown and various dental cases arise that the manual method of managing patients’ records, prescriptions, billing and appointment schedule, is no longer practical. In this study, we hope to develop a LAN-Based system that will minimize all the paper works and manual records keeping, therefore allowing doctors and staff ease in keeping track of patients, reducing patients’ waiting time and increasing the number of patients served – a system that is fully automated, user-friendly, time effective and efficient. The proponents entitled the project as “Dental Patient Record Management System ” wherein this system will help the College of Dentistry to have a well-organized management by which, it will reduce the time of writing the information of the patient or client in a piece of record sheet. Afterwards, the information will automatically be recorded into the system and will print out a copy of the information of the patient or client. Carestream is one example of the company that also uses a dental patient record management system.
The College of Dentistry of Lyceum-Northwestern University is one the leading dental facilities and provides the best dental care in North Luzon. But the college is slow in recording the information of the patient because it is hand-written and it takes a lot of time