Effective recruitment and selection are key to employee retention (Fried&Fottler,2008). If an employer offers a new worker a much lower salary, it’s only a matter of time until that employee will leave the company when an opportunity for an increased salary is available. The retention aspect of any organization is imperative in that is allows the company the opportunity to build and sustain its employees. If benefit and salary cuts are widespread, the employer could risk losing favorable employees and have a hard time bouncing back once the economy is reestablished.
According to Society for Human Resource Management (2009), 92% of employees said compensation held some level of importance for them. As an employer it is important to remain flexible in decision making when finding ways to decrease expenses during an economic downfall while remaining aware that there could be a sudden change in the economy at any time. A blanket policy on shaving salaries and benefits might help save money in the short term, but it may create permanent, harmful issues with recruiting and retention in the long run
Fried, B. J., & Fottler, M. D. (2008). Human resources in healthcare: Managing for success. Chicago: Health Administration Press.
Society for Human Resource Management.(2009). Compensation and Benefits as Recruitment and Retention Tools: The Impact of the Downturn. Retrieved http://www.shrm.org/research/futurewor