1. Name:
2. Designation:
3. Date Of Joining:
4. Age: a) 18 -25 b) 26 – 35 c) 36 -45 d) above 45
5. Marital status: a) Married b) unmarried
6. Educational Qualification:
a)Below HSC b) B.Pharm c.)D.Pharm d) others
6. Years of Experience:
a) 0 – 2 years. b) 3 – 5 years. c) 6 – 8 years. d) Above 8 years.
7. Monthly income of the respondents
a) Less than 6500 b) 6500-7500 c) 7500-8500 d) Above 8500
1. Which method do you mostly prefer from the following for the recruitment and selection process?
a) Written test b) Technical test c) Personal Interview.
2. What is the source of influence for to join this company? Option | Excellent | VeryGood | Good | Fair | Poor | Salary & Perks | | | | | | Reputed Name | | | | | | Friends Reference | | | | | | InstitutionReference | | | | | |
3. What kind of recruitment sources does your organization use? Option | Excellent | VeryGood | Good | Fair | Poor | Newspaper sources | | | | | | Professional journals/periodical | | | | | | Campus recruitment | | | | | | Employee referral | | | | | |
4. The details in the application form are relevant to fill. Option | Excellent | VeryGood | Good | Fair | Poor | | | | | | |
5. Is the total schedule time is comfort for you ?
a. Yes b. No
6.Before and after the recruitment process the companies communication is satisfied ?
a. Yes b. No
7.Whether the Interviewer asking the relevant questions during the interview ?
a. Yes b. No
8. Are you satisfied with the effectiveness of Recruitment process?
a) Highly Satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied e) Highly Dissatisfied
9. How you feel face to face Interview?
a)Interactive b)Friendly Feeling c)Not Comfortable d)Fearful
10. Before attending the interview state the status of yours?
a) Searching job b) Very needy in my life c) Asusal Living d) Searching a better prospectus.
11. How do